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mia went home 2 hours later and me and jack talked "k so i know this doesn't even matter but i took a pregnancy test earlier" he sighed "ay no dont sigh it came back negative" "i love you and all olivia but why would you" "well one you know part of it and second my periods late so im going to my doctors tomorrow cause i don't need no disease" vannie hopped on my bed and laid down in my lap i scratched her ears "and besides i already have a daughter" he giggled "yea an expensive one to" "yea well she's my first dog so thank you" his jaw dropped "you've never had a dog" i shook my head "nope only cats and ferrets" "wait you've had ferrets" i nodded "i have 4 in my garage" vannie shifted in my lap jack left to hang out with everyone downstairs so i took a nap with vannie when i woke up i walked downstairs and vannie followed it was around 8 pm  i decided to make cookies no one else was around i turned on music and danced around with vannie while making them i obviously was playing cardi b i put them in the oven and continued dancing with her i backed up and bumped into someone i didn't recognize them i shut the music off and looked around for everyone "let me guess ur daniel seaveys friend with some odd name well i'm olivia his little sister" he laughed "wrong it's your other older brother christian" i gasped and hugged him "omg i missed you" he hugged me back "i missed you more you look so different" i let go of him my brother was in the army for a few years (fancy christian) and i hadn't seen him i was crying "so what has been going on around here" he wiped my tears "um mom and dad leave for months at a time daniel has a girlfriend his best friends live with us and i'm here" we both laughed "so where is everyone" i shrugged "off somewhere probably at the store" we sat down and talked for a while then i got out the cookies and the boys came back jack didn't talk to me but i didn't mind saying i didn't say anything to him i picked up vannie and put her in her kennel then i walked outside for a second so i could VaPe when i walked inside all the boys were talking i walked upstairs to put the vape away and let vannie back out i sat down on the stairs and played catch with her i got a text from jack
jack|down to fuck🥱
i looked up at him and he was giggling i rolled my eyes and flipped him off i got another text
jack|just saying you lookin fine mammas 🥲
olivia|jack ur sitting right next to my older brother
jack|not my fault
olivia|i just absolutely hope he grabs your phone
jack|he wouldn't know who im texting
i went and sat down by the boys vannie jumped on my lap "olivia how'd you convince mom and dad to let you have a dog" christian pointed over to vannie "i don't know they just said yes" i wasn't in the mood to tell him about everything because christian is more protective than daniel i scratched her head and she laid down after 10 minutes i got up and walked upstairs an hour later christian walked into my room "whatcha doin" i shut my phone off saying my wallpaper was jack "playing games" he sat down on my bed "do you have a boyfriend" i shook my head "nope" "it's fine if you do" i hesitated on saying anything "i do and you've been talking to him" he sighed "which one" i showed him my wallpaper he sighed again "i knew it he was looking at you the whole time" i giggled i looked down at my vape and slid it under my pillow  "does he treat you with respect" i nodded "do you love him" i nodded again "then i guess i can't shut you two down" i hugged him "i know you don't like me having relationships but jack is the one" he hugged me back " i don't care as long as there's no babies or anything that can cause that got it" i let go of him and gave him a thumbs up knowing i broke the only rule we walked down and i sat by jack he held my hand and kept talking i played on my phone i got tired and went upstairs at 12:00 vannie jumped on my bed and laid down 20 minutes later jack came and laid down as well i was on my phone looking through instagram jack grabbed my phone and put it on my nightstand "will you marry me" i giggled "yes i will jack" i kissed him "ok but seriously olivia" i nodded "of course" he smiled

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