I suck his d-

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i ignored the texts and just sat on the couch i'd try to be stable for the new years but only a few minutes after i was in damians room looking for his weed it was easy too find i ran outside too jacks car he didn't even let me vape in his car but he did leave me right after i got out of the hospital and so i waited for colby to pick me up it was around 9 when he did he walked through the door and i ran out of my room and got my shoes on
|you ready|
i nodded having a full face of makeup on and my nicest mini dress
|why are you so dressed up it's just new year|
|because tara is gonna be there and i want to look nice in pictures with her|
i was sorta loopy but not enough for colby too notice
|who said you were hanging out with her all night|
he smirked
|me thats who oh and i found a nail on my bed jack isn't gonna be happy when he gets back|
|lets just go|
we got to colby's and i immediately called the girls babysitter and she came and picked them up it was 11:30 when jack called me i stepped outside and answered
j:hey baby sorry i couldn't be there tonight
o:mhm look i gotta go
j:ok love you
o:yep bye
i walked back inside and that's the last thing I remembered I then woke up in my bed with mia I was confused but jack texted me a few minutes ago he said see him on live so I turned on the tv and looked up wdw and there they were I pressed on the video and laid back

jacks pov

we had an interview about our gfs so I texted olivia Zach was first talking about kay and then me

interviewer/ so tell me about olivia

jack/shes very pushy and out there she'll do about anything you tell her too do she doesn't get flustered easily and she knows what she wants when she wants it

interviewer/ now have you guys been dating for a long or are you on or off

jack/ we used to be very on and off but now were engaged

interviewer/ now do you guys have a family or no

jack/ yes I have two daughters hailey and Cheyenne

interviewer/ok how old are they

jack/ hailey is 5 and cheyennes 2

interviewer/ k now im gonna ask you 5 questions answer how you think she would answer k what are her favorite colours or colour

jack/ purple and green

interviewer/ if she could have one pet right now what would it be

jack/ definitely another dog

interviewer/whos her celebirty crush

jack/ashton Kutcher and me of course

interviewer/if she could live anywhere where would she live

jack/las vegas or phoenix Arizona

interviewer/last question whos her best friend

jack/ Colby brock mia aims or her brother

interviewer/k mind pulling your phone out and calling her

I grabbed my phone and called olivia she answered straight away

o:hi/mia/hi jack

j:hi mind answering a few questions

o:ask away

j:whats ur favorite colour

O:porple and green

j:if you could have another pet what would you want

o:a cat

j:whos your celebirty crush

o:ashton Kutcher

j:rude anyway if you could live anywhere where would you live

o: las vegas 100 percent

j:whos your bestfriend

o:damian or mia

j:k thanks bye


2 weeks later

I had been thinking about mine and jacks relationship I felt we were only in on it for the kids and I found myself more attracted too Colby....

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