big wave big wave

10 0 0

2 months later
8 months i was so close to the finish line but i wasn't very big so i went in for a check up justin went with me cause he was even more worried he started the ultrasound she was little
|well she's not growing very fast but at the nine months she should be perfectly fine i don't see any issues here today so if that's all we're done|
i was a little disappointed that she wasn't growing fast but it's fine so we went home justin went back to work and i was left alone again i grabbed my keys got in my car i was gonna go too the nearest beach 1 hr away winchester bay i've been a thousand times with my dad i know the dunes like the back of my hand i know the camp owners like family but i just needed beach time and that's what i was gonna get
1 hr later
i was here i did some thrift shopping then i made my way to the camp just to stop by i pulled in people definitely stared but stopped when i got out in jeans boots and a oversized hoodie from justin's closet and hat i walked into the office two girls my age looked up
|hey i need to speak to the owner|
abby walked out and looked stunned
|tara glover|
|thats me|
|look at you your pregnant|
|my third baby|
|hunny you've grown so much|
|i know it feels good to be back and after 3rd baby is born me and my family will be coming here a lot|
|oh my you were 14 the last time i saw you now you have a family|
|yep 8 year old 2 year old and baby|
|what are they're names i need to know everything|
|hailey cheyenne and i'm thinking either austin dylan or paisley|
|oh my girl how does your boyfriend keep up|
|i dont know to be honest but they're both in los angeles|
|oh yea how is it down there|
|not great that's why i moved|
|how's your dad|
|he's good he's just been working|
|yea his job requires late loud nights|
1 hr later
i headed to the beach just across the street i sat down i wasn't feeling great i had some contractions but i thought they were braxton then my water broke i stood up dusted off and walked back to my car i started speeding home so i could grab my bag and get food i was 10 minutes away when i got pulled over i was freaking out
|do you know why i pulled you over|
|yes mam and i do have a reason my water just broke early and i'm having contractions i'm 10 minutes from home|
|what's your name hun|
|olivia seavey|
|im gonna follow you home and to the hospital so i don't have to give you a ticket is that ok?|
|yes anything|
she got in the cop car and followed me i ran inside grabbed the bag and filled my purse to the brim with mott's fruit snacks i also grabbed my vape and dab pen i put it in justin's truck since he'd probably wanna sleep in there instead of the room it was 5:30 so he should be home any minute i blew into the breathalyzer and we left to the hospital i called justin
|justin where are you|
|im really busy what's going on|
i heard a speaker saying something about a bull riding competition
|go to the hospital i'll be there in 20 min|
|whats happening|
|baby is coming|
|oh fuck i'm like two hours away i'll be there as soon as i can i'll leave in 10 minutes|
|k i'm in your truck|
|ok i love you so much keep my baby girl safe|
u called mya and my dad they we're getting tickets and on their way
1 hr later
i was in the hospital room and i felt fine and probably would give birth till my dad and everyone else got here which would only be in 2 hrs and hopefully justin would be here i went on tiktok and scrolled through for 5 minutes till i came across a video it said (when your favorite bull rider is back from an injury incident and he's in your state| it showed justin  with a bloody nose and muddy face in a cowboy hat and a teal and white muddy button up then showed him on a bull i just stared at the video it was posted 2 minutes ago i waited to see if the girl would post again and she did 20 minutes later it was just getting bucked off and getting up with a bloody nose and a reporter walked up to him
"how does it feel to be back after a year and a half i mean the broken neck and leg was a rough injury"
"i feel great i think 10 seconds for my first time back is great"
"yes that's astonishing but justin why'd you come back"
"i wanna make my baby proud to have a cool dad and a great mom"
"baby wow hear it from justin creek do you have anything else to say"
"i'm back and IM GONNA BE A DAD i love you liv and austin"
"alright justin it's great to have you back i'm gonna let you go"
he ran off and the video ended
i called him
|if your ass isn't here in 2 hours i'm gonna kill you|
|im on my way now i'm speeding so be happy|
1 hr 40 min later
justin came running in covered in mud and dried blood then security came in
|he's fine this is my babys dad get him a visitors thing|
i was sorta on edge because my baby was coming way early

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