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i got dressed and picked up austin and we went to walmart which literally took forever cause it was in cottage grove but we made it i grabbed a cart and new id spend 300 dollars on groceries we got shopping and i got food for dinner and food for justin's lunches since he went to practices and meets everyday till the weekends where he would just do pbr a bunch of places i grabbed austin food and me snacks then accidentally found myself in the baby section but austin needed a car seat for justin's truck anyway then we went to the farm store cause justin needed calf pig and duck feed i then had to take to the new house which absolutely sucked cause it was hotter than hell but i got to see everything i got it all out of the back of the truck and put it on the porch but the best part was taking austin in to see the house it was gorgeous 2 story rap around porch it was everything i could dream of i took austin outside and put our cowgirl hats on and pet the calves we went into the barn to make a tiktok but i saw a paint horse he was beautiful
we played around a little longer than justin called he needed me to grab his boat from a storage unit so i did then went home he was packing
|what are you doing|
|go get packed we're going to washington sorry i forgot it's a pbr and we're staying at a lake for a week or two go go go!|
|geez okay|
i packed austin first then i threw it in justin's trailer i walked back over to his house
|babe are we taking the boat|
|yes we're taking 2 different trucks|
|i don't have a truck justin|
|i know i gotta go take the trailer to cody's i'm riding with him and your riding in my truck with the kids and allyssa|
i packed along with some really cute bathing suits cause it's supposed to be 80 degrees then i gave austin a bath and put her to sleep i was just chilling on the couch waiting for justin to get back when daniel called me
|olivia let's be serious here
|umm ok
|it's time to come home
|uhh what
i grabbed my camera and recorded the call
|look it's either you come home and live how all of us are and how your supposed to or you can't see your daughter
|excuse me
|it's either us or no one at all
|you cannot just take my daughter away because i don't want to live in a toxic home
|you literally had it perfect with us you had everything handed to you
|i don't want to live like that
|come home or we're coming to get you
|you can't do that tho
|we can you ran away and none of us know where you are so i could pick up my phone and call the police and tell them your mental have gone insane ran away and now you think you started a new family do you want me to do that
|im done with you
i hung up and blocked his number
|and that's why i don't deal with him|
i quit recording then laid down
next day 6:00 am i got up and got ready i put my hat on justin's old work hoodie leggings and some air forces i grabbed my pit vipers then heard a knock on the door i assumed it was allyssa but it wasn't it was cops
|hi are you olivia seavey|
|yes can i help you i gotta leave in like 20 minutes|
|can we come in|
|umm yea please be quiet my daughters asleep|
|sorry we'll speak out here|
i took my hat off and put it on the couch and walked out
|so what's up|
|we got a missing report for you but we already have you on record and i was wondering if you know anything about that|
|oh uhh yes i do|
|please explain|
|my brother is the one who called you guys he's been going off on me lately he's just been off lately|
|i assume he also called cops on you|
|i wasn't aware|
|could we check out the house just so that i can report everything is a ok|
|of course go ahead|
we walked in and they searched the house and checked on austin
|we had a report you also had another kid in this house|
|oh yes my oldest daughter but she lives with her dad right now it's sort of a temporary thing until baby gets older|
|well my fiancé does bull riding and we travel with him so it's hard to get all 4 of us comfortable plus with school she can't be leaving for weeks|
|ok that is all thank you|
|all right have a good day|
i walked outside and allyssa pulled in with cody they got out
|what we're the police doing here|-cody
|my brother called the cops|
he grabbed his wallet and walked to justin's house allyssa and me got the kids stuff ready i grabbed they're car seats and put them in justin's truck then had allyssa go watch austin while i went to justin's i walked in and cody was on the couch
|he's not awake|
i walked into his room and grabbed his keys
|get up we're leaving right now|
he opened his eyes
|come on justin|
|im going|
he got up and i walked into the kitchen grabbed austin's bag her milk and binky then walked out i threw it in the truck started it then went back inside austin was still sleeping and the kids were tired so me and alyssa would have a good ride

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