pfft no freaking title

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everyone left the house and it was just me and jack on the couch he looked at me "nope not yet" "but princess" mia ran into the house and jack glared at her i scratched jacks head when he put his head on my lap "hey mia" "did i interrupt something jack looks pissed" "yes" he looked at me and smiled  "no you didn't he's just impatient" mia sat next to me "so are you pregnant" "i'd hope not" "wait so y'all did it" "no" jack looked at me "wait dont you have something to do with your grandma" "oops i do" she ran out jack laid on top of me "i'm gonna lick your face if you don't stop crushing me" "do your worst" i licked his forehead "haha""ugh your to much" i giggled "ok bub let's go shopping" "why tho" "because i wanna buy myself a new hoodie" he took off his hoodie and handed it to me "there no shopping needed" "please" "no" he got up and walked into the kitchen "imma threaten you" he pulled out chips from the cabinet "oh yeah how" "i'm gonna call you by your least favourite nickname" "what is it" "daddy" he rolled his eyes "your killing me smalls" "shopping and i won't call you it" "no shopping for you" "i'm gonna say it" "no your not" "daddy" "you better stop" i ran up to him "please take me shopping" "nope" "but why not" "cause your still in a sports bra and shorts" "ok say if i get changed will you take me" "yes" i ran upstairs and changed i ran back down and twirled "i'm done do you like it" i had a pink skirt with a white shirt tucked into the skirt and white vans "your perfect princess" "can we go now" "mhm" he opened the door for me and got in the car he normally put his hand on my thigh but he didn't "baby" "what princess" i grabbed his hand from his pocket and put it on my leg he put it back in his pocket "jack what are you doing" he ignored me "jack" i said in a soft voice "bubs why are you being weird you were fine literally a second ago" i grabbed his hand again but held it he pulled away "jack please tell me did i do something" he kept ignoring me "please tell me" i looked around the car and spotted a camera i smiled for a split second "awe are you not answering cause you don't like being called jack" he still didn't say anything "what do you want to be called" i grabbed his hand again and put it back on my leg "please baby" he left his hand on my leg "come on i saw the camera halfway through do you think i'm dumb" he started laughing "i don't think your dumb princess"  i crossed my arms "don't pout" he grabbed the camera and turned it off "cmon princess im taking you shopping aren't i" "yea" "then don't pout" he kissed me we got to the store and i ran into my favourite store "baby which one" i held up a white hoodie and a pink one "uhh the pink one" "oki" "can we check out" "yup" we checked out and got home "now can we" he flopped down on the couch "nope" i laid on top of him "your difficult" "i know" "can i go play video games" "yea" "love you" "love you too" he walked upstairs i played on my phone and kept getting notifications i checked them and they were a bunch of comments about me and jack i walked into my room where jack was and i sat on his lap he muted his mic "hey princess" i just laid my head on his shoulder "you ok" i nodded he unmuted i didn't want to disrupt him so i said nothing after 10 minutes he got off and looked at me "what's wrong" "nothing" "olivia your never this quiet what's wrong" "i'm fine" "princess tell me please" i handed him my phone and he went through the comments he hugged me i started crying it was so overwhelming i couldn't handle it "please don't cry princess" "i don't know what i did" "you didn't do anything" i just held him close "wanna go lay down maybe" i nodded he kissed me and i took a nap jack woke me up when he walked into my room "princess" he sat at the the end of my bed "yes baby" i sat up "there's a party in a few hours i was wondering if you wanna go" i pulled him close "i'll go if you cuddle me" he came and laid down with me two hours later i got up and changed did my hair and makeup i wore jacks hoodie ripped jeans with doc martens and walked to the store to get a couple monsters when i got back jack was on his phone "where'd you go" i put the monsters on my desk "to get drinks" "oh well we leave in 20 minutes" i nodded the last minutes i spent playing games
on my phone

i have no title ideas gimme some bro

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