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|sean leave|
|i just need to talk to you please hear me out|
|why should i|
|it's about hailey|
|you have to leave sean this isn't gonna work|
|i know but i can't take care of her anymore i don't have the time or money just take me to court tell them i'm a bad dad and take her i just cant|
|why would you do that sean|
|because i love hailey and i want her to have the best life she can and if that's with you then that's what's right|
|what about maddy|
|i already said what i needed to say she's going to montana with alex tomorrow looki have all her stuff ready with me just please take her|
i unbuckled her and picked her up
|wanna stay with me hailey|
she nodded
|i guess i'll do it sean i'll pay for a hotel tonight  and call in a little bit|
he hugged me and i buckeled hailey back in
|i'll see you tomorrow and then we're gonna go home and watch all the movies in the world that sound fun|
|ok bye bye hailey|
i looked back at sean
|thank you olivia|
i nodded and walked back inside

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