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this is gonna be a long chapter soo
also I just wanna say thank you so much for like all the views in the support I'm just like beyond  appreciative of how far I've come and how are you guys are still reading this and you know I just want to say thank you so much and this was really only supposed to be like a comforter thing as like a joke too but you know now I'm so far into it I just really appreciate you guys. Love you.💕 also, please go sign the willow project petition. This will help a ton. We cannot let our world go to shit.
i still hadn't had her when my dad got to the hospital i had justin go out so i could talk to my dad we hung around for an hour till justin cane in
|you can go home and shower and change if you want|
|do you want me to|
|yea if you wanna hold her|
|k i'll be quick|
he ran out then damian came in it was already 8 and i was tired
|you guys can go with justin and go to my house then tomorrow you guys can see her since it's getting late|
|yea we can do that|
|just get mom first|
he smiled and walked out then my stepmom walked in
|hi livvy|
|how are you|
|im good but you guys can go to my house and take my key and make yourself at home they left and i was at peace
6 hours later
austin mae creek
4lbs 8 oz
september 3rd 2023
i was exhausted we got to go home the next day and we did my parents watched her while me and justin went to cody's for a beer to celebrate
i was in the house with allyssa cody's girlfriend we were talking about how i wanted a new house with justin and she talked about a farm i didnt think about that but i really wanted highland cows and horses and pigs with a huge house i mean i'll have to learn how to take care of them but i'll manage justin has done it all his life
|how are you here you just had a baby|
|i've had 3 i didn't feel a thing|
|true i've just got paisley and she's a hassle|
|yea i only get to see two of em|
|how come|
|my ex is busy and somehow he got full custody|
|oh i'm sorry|
|it's fine i got my 2 babies with me|
|i know i can't wait to meet austin|
|she's the cutest little baby i've ever seen i swear|
|i bet but she's gonna be a hell of a ride justin has wanted a kid for years ever since he was 15 he's been talking about how as soon as he has a kid horse riding dirt bikes everything|
|i know he's already talking about 4-h like dude she just came out so he was talking about signing up my oldest daughter poor kids introduced to a whole new world|
|justin is gonna spoil the hell out of you guys big house cows and horses quads dirt bikes farm the whole package|
|he already got me a new wardrobe jeans boots hoodies|
|you just wait you have an amazing guy on your hands|
|what about you cody is great i mean look at you guys big house lots of land bunch of cows and dogs he'll you even got a goat|
|i know cody and justin are just the same people in different bodies they've been inseparable since the first day of kindergarten that's what happens when you grow up in a small town|
|i can't wait till they start riding bikes and walking to school cause boy in los angeles you couldn't ride a bike 20 feet without being cat called kidnapped everything|
|what made you come here|
|lot of stress at my old home i dated around a lot and people i chose to be around weren't always the best plus my whole family has this famous curse and i swear i couldn't escape it|
she laughed and grabbed 4 keystone lights she handed me one and we walked outside to the bonfire cody and justin were sitting at talking i handed a beer to justin and sat in a chair next to him i opened my phone and watched tiktok for a while i got a call from colby i got up and walked to the truck
|it's an emergency you need to get back to la right now|
|i cant but what's wrong|
|sam went missing|
|what the fuck do you mean sam went missing|
|i mean sam went out to the store and it's been 4 hours and he's not answering his calls|
|he probably just needs a break i'll call him|
i hung up and called him he answered straight away i rolled my eyes
|sam you there?|
|yea what's up|
|colby said you went missing|
|missing? i'm at kay's house|
|bro he's wasting my time|
|he's just mad you didn't tell him you had your baby|
|i haven't even told anyone but tara and kat|
|and colby found out but i'm ok just hanging out with kat|
|okay bye sam talk to you later|
i wanted to scream they piss me off i went to get out but jack called
|what are you doing|
|im at a friends house why|
|i was wondering if you still drink and vape and smoke weed|
|why are you asking these questions|
|answer them|
|yes jack now what do you want|
|don't you have a baby?|
|omg yes jack|
|so you do all those things around your baby?|
|jack i swear if you open your mouth one more time|
|do you do those things with your baby|
|jack she's not even 24 hours old i am with my boyfriend right now i'm trying to have a good time|
|who's with your baby|
|my brother father and mother let me ask you a question you still addicted to alcohol and do you hit your girlfriend like you did me do you cheat on her like you did with me hey here's a question are you taking care of my daughter that i carried alone for 9 months hmm yea real quiet now that i called you out|
|i never did any of that|
|look i get it your trying to make me look like a bad person but its not working|
i hung up and went back to justin i sat down and listened to theyre conversation it was about houses
|what kind of house do you want liv|
|a big house with farm land for cows horses and piggies|
|consider it done in a few months|

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