Chapter 33- How to survive a revolution

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Trigger warnings- Blackmail, several un-named character deaths and swearing 

Finley had been through more than the others would think.

As he'd thought, the dictator had tortured him until he answered all of his questions. Who went with him to Phia? How did Kaiden get those uniforms? Whose idea was it? Where were the others hiding? Endless questions, and just one that Finley couldn't answer.

"What has happened to Eloise Parrish?" The dictator asked. "I am not going to ask you again, Finley. What has happened to her?"

"I don't know who she is!" Finley shouted, as the dictator shocked him again.

"She is your boyfriend's sister!"

"Kaiden doesn't have a sister!"

"Answer the question!"

"I don't know!"

The dictator had been torturing him for hours. No food, no water, and no breaks. By this point, he had been going for sixteen hours straight. Finley still hadn't told him where the others were. He didn't care how long this went on for, he wasn't giving up their location.

"You're a liar!" The dictator shouted, shocking him yet again. "You must know! I fail to believe that you don't know!"

"I don't. Honestly sir, I don't know who Eloise is or where the others are. Please believe me. I promise I'm telling you the truth."

"Fine," the dictator snapped. He turned to the two guards who'd been helping him. "Take him to the cellar until daybreak. Nothing is to be taken to him. He will be brought to the equipment room at seven, where I will give him further instructions."

"Yes sir," the guards replied. They untied Finley and began dragging him to the cellar, leaving his hands tied behind his back.


Finley cried for hours. He wanted to see Kaiden and the others desperately. Even the thought of fighting against them was unbearable.

What if he was forced to kill one of them? He thought. He would never kill one of the others. If one of them managed to corner him and threatened to kill him, he'd have to either reveal himself or let them kill him.


Kaiden had luckily thought to book the hotel for a whole week. This meant that they could go back there.

This was where the Champions were in the late evening the day before the rebellion was due to start. They were watching the TV as it had been said that the dictator was going to make a speech.

The dictator began, "it has been brought to my attention that one of my personal guards was attacked two days ago by one of the Champions of the Ceremony, Kaiden Lynch. I have been informed that the Champions stole uniforms so they could pretend to be guards and spread the news about the rebellion." A short pause. "Well, I have some advice for the Champions, give up. You are never going to win this. When you are caught, and believe me, you will be, you will be punished for what you have done. As for you, Kaiden, you won't be alive a week from today. I intend to make certain of that. So, if you really are stupid enough to go ahead and try with this rebellion anyway, good luck."

Adrielle turned off the TV.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea," Cadence said.

"What? Why not?" Kaiden asked.

"The dictator wants you dead! As soon as he gets his hands on you, you're gone!"

"If we give up, the dictator wins. Even if we do, what? You think he'll just let Finley go? He's not going to give up on capturing us just 'cause we give up the rebellion. He's still going to want me to be killed, no matter what we do."

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