Chapter 27- Courage and croissants

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Trigger warnings- Electric shocks mentioned, cheating mention, deaths mentioned and swearing. 

"Let them go!" Kaiden ordered.

"Oh I will," the dictator replied, "if the four of you come with us willingly back to the Citadel."

"What are you going to do with us?" Reina asked.

"Perhaps Raven can tell you. He was very useful in testing out the punishment I had planned for all of you."

Kaiden scowled and moved to attack the dictator. Adrielle held him back as he shouted, "what did you do to my brother?"

"He refused to tell me where Finley was," the dictator replied. His voice was calm, as if they were discussing the weather. "You remember the electric shocks which were used in the Ceremony I presume?"

Adrielle joined in too, still holding onto Kaiden, "you forced him to tell you?"

"Indeed, it took over six hours though."

Kaiden was impressed. He was proud of Raven for holding on for six hours. He wasn't even sure if he could hold on for that long.

He started trying to think of a way out. If the four of them ran, Finley and Raven would probably be tortured or killed. If they stayed, then all six of them would be tortured, sent to prison or even executed. Kaiden didn't know what to do.

"Will you allow us a moment to talk?" Kaiden asked, pulling out of Adri's grip.

"Very well," the dictator replied, rolling his eyes.

The four of them huddled into a circle.

"We have no choice," Cadence whispered.

"Indeed," Reina added. "He'll punish them if we don't do as he says."

"But if we go with him, we can't lead the rebellion," Adri stated.

"I've got an idea," Kaiden said, "but I don't think you're going to like it."

"Does it involve you doing anything reckless?" Adri asked.


"Then no."


"No, Kaiden. Not if it means you're getting into any more trouble."

"Alright," Kaiden replied, "let's go then."

The four of them broke up the circle.

"Alright," Adrielle said, "we'll come."

"Very well," the dictator replied. "Guard, tie their hands too. Make sure Kaiden's is tighter than the rest."

The two guards let go of Raven and Finley. They all saw the two boys relax slightly.

A third and fourth guard appeared from the train and headed towards the four of them.

When they were about ten paces away, Kaiden spoke quickly, "take care of each other. I'm sorry but there's no other way. I'll meet you in the Citadel."

He took off running down one of the tunnels.


"Kaiden!" All five Champions shouted at once.

One of the guards took off after him. The others tied the girls' hands.

"That was a very stupid decision," the dictator muttered. "Luckily I predicted this would happen, so I already planned a punishment for such an occasion. Kaiden would be the one stupid enough to do something so reckless. Guards, take them onto the train!"

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