Chapter 16- When you love somebody

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Trigger warnings- Swearing. 

Finley arrived home fifteen minutes after seven. He thanked the Lynch's driver before he got out of the car. He took a deep breath, before he found the key under the bush, and unlocked the door.

"You're late," Cadence complained.

"Sorry, I lost track of the time," Finley replied.

"Too busy snogging your boyfriend?"

"No. And don't call him that."

"Don't say he dumped you?"

"Yes," Finley replied, "he did."

"Wow, that has to be some kind of record. Then again, who'd stay with you for longer than five minutes unless they had to."

"I don't know, Cadence."

"What's his house like then?"

"He lives in a mansion."

Cadence sat up, "he does not?"

"He does. They have servants and everything. Probably why I'm not good enough for him."

"You should work for him instead of Donald Brooks. Dad's in his room."

Finley knocked on his dad's bedroom door.

"Enter," a raspy voice replied.

"Are you alright dad?" Finley asked.

"Stupid question," his dad choked out. "No, I've been waiting for my dinner for ages. Where were you?"

"I was at Kaiden and Raven's house. They...."

"I'm not interested in what you did with your boyfriend."

"He dumped me. He's not my boyfriend anymore."

His dad did something a little unexpected. He laughed. His laughter was mixed with coughing, but still, he seemingly found Finley's situation hilarious. "Well, he opened his eyes quickly. Take my advice, son, no one's ever going to want someone like you. You'll be better off staying here, helping me, then giving up once I'm gone."

"Did you need anything, dad?" Finley asked, trying not to cry.

"Yeah, there's some washing in the corner for your sister to do. Make sure it's done and drying in time for tomorrow, I need it then."

"I will."

Finley went and grabbed the washing, knowing that it would be him who did it and not Cadence.

"Dad wants this stuff cleaned," he told her.

"Well, you'd better do it then. Make sure you tell him I did it though."

"Of course," Finley replied. It wasn't like his dad would believe that he did them anyway.

Finley put the washing on the stool at the table they never sat at, and washed his hands to get ready to make dinner.

Dinner tonight consisted of bread, and a small amount of butter. Finley made Cadence's first and handed it to her.

"That's not enough butter," she complained.

"There's none left."

"Have you already spread it on yours?"


"Then I'll use whatever's left. You don't need it."

Finley took one plate into his dad, then he used the rest of the butter on Cadence's bread. He took some water in for his dad. When he returned, he found that Cadence had retired to her own room.

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