Chapter 17- Secrets get revealed

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Trigger warnings- Swearing and a falling mention.

Kaiden regretted not bringing his cane. He'd been in the library with Reina when Milligan had come for him. He'd been so desperate to get to Raven, he'd forgotten all about his cane.

As they walked down the street, Kaiden looked at Finley. He'd tried to protect his brother even though he'd only known him for a couple of days. Finley cared so much about everyone around him. It was almost depressing how little he thought of himself.

Kaiden's thoughts were interrupted as Finley said, "Kaiden, is that your dad?"

Kaiden looked up. Sure enough, his dad was walking out of the poorer district of Kyrah.

"Shit," he said, "I need to get back before my dad or he'll kill me."

"How? Your dad's driver is waiting for him.," Finley replied, pointing to his dad getting into his car.

"There's only one option. I'll run back while you try to distract my dad."


"I don't know, but try to think of something. I'll meet you back at my place."

"Ok," Finley replied as Kaiden took off down a side street.

Finley jogged in the direction of Mr Lynch's car. He looked around for a way to slow him down. Just then, he remembered something. He took off down another side street.

He approached a stall where a man sold fruits and vegetables. He crouched behind a crate and waited until the right moment. When it came, he kicked the crate over.

Apples poured into the street. He heard the screeching of brakes as Mr Lynch's car stopped.

"Oi, you!" The seller shouted.

Finley tried to run but his way was blocked. A hand grabbed hold of his collar. The seller began to shout down the street.

"Cadet! We need a Cadet at once!"

Finley tried to pull out of the grasp of whoever was holding him, but they had an iron fist.

A Cadet came running down the street.

"What appears to be the problem sir?" He asked.

"This boy kicked over one of my crates of apples," the seller explained, "he did it on purpose, I know it!"

"Well I can't have him punished for kicking over a few apples," the Cadet replied.

"Why not? How old are you?" The seller asked.

For a moment, Finley thought about lying, but he decided against it. "I'm seventeen."

"Would a little extra payment help?" The person holding Finley said. He was certain that he recognised the voice. "I'm sure you could inform your supervisor that he was doing something else. For the right price of course."

"How much are we talking, Mr Lynch?" The Cadet asked.

The man holding him was none other than Kaiden and Raven's dad. Who was now attempting to get him into trouble. Finley couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I don't know, how much would you like?" Mr Lynch asked.

"Perhaps the boy can simply pay for wasting my apples instead?" The seller suggested.

"I thought you wanted him punished?" Mr Lynch said questioningly.

"Well, he's obviously sorry. Look at him, he's practically shaking."

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