Chapter 28- Champions unite

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Trigger warnings- Swearing

Once the four remaining Champions had left Cadence, they began to plan their escape. They desperately hoped that Kaiden hadn't been caught or their escape would be pointless.

"What if we fight off the guards and refuse to get off the train?" Raven suggested.

"He'd just grab one of us and torture us until we gave in," Finley replied.

"I wish Kaiden was here. He always knows what to do." Raven complained.

"He was the one who came up with the idea to get us out of prison," Adrielle explained.

"He's amazing," Reina added. "Even if he doesn't think that himself."

"What do you mean?" Raven asked.

"You don't know?" Reina questioned. "Wow, I'm surprised that Kaiden told me out of all of us. He thinks he's useless. He's always been made to feel like he's never going to be as good as you, Raven. I think he might be jealous of you."

"Kaiden, jealous?" Finley replied.

"He's always been made to feel like a disappointment. He feels worthless when he compares himself to Raven."

"I never wanted him to feel like that," Raven said quietly, "he means everything to me."

"You did say that you were ashamed of him during the interviews after the Ceremony," Adri said.

"I know, but...."

"Adri, we have no right to say anything to Raven," Finley interrupted, "we weren't much better. You said during the finale that Kyrah didn't deserve a Champion."

"We all said stuff we didn't mean," Adri replied. "I was annoyed that Kaiden lied to us about having a plan."

"Alright!" Reina shouted. "We've all said some horrible things to Kaiden. He's done some pretty awful things too, but he's trying to make up for it. He got his dad to help Finley and Cadence's dad. He took the punishment from Antonio for Cadence. He's done loads of good things and yet we're still talking about the bad things he did. We all said horrible stuff to him, sure, but he's clearly forgiven us. We need to try and be better. His confidence is already low enough without us adding to it."

"Reina's right," Raven added, "we should apologise and actually help Kaiden. We all got ourselves into this mess, we're going to stay in it."

"Agreed," Finley replied. "Also, I have an idea for what to do. When we get to the Citadel, if we take out the guards and sneak off, the dictator won't realise we're gone for a little while. That gives us enough time to get into the Citadel and hide."

"It's the best plan we've got," Adri said, "let's do it."

They all agreed that this was exactly what they would do.


Half an hour later, the five Champions were running through the streets of the Citadel, looking back every so often to make sure they weren't being followed.

When they were sure they were safe, they slowed to a walking pace.

"We need to find somewhere to stay for the night," Raven said.

"How?" Cadence asked, "we don't have any money."

"We could steal some."

"You and Kaiden are definitely brothers," Reina muttered.

"Last time you tried stealing something, you got caught," Finley stated.

"Yeah," Adri added. "What were you stealing from that bakery on that day anyway?"

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