Chapter 11- A night to remember

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Trigger warnings- Homophobia, a brief mention of spiders and swearing.

When Kaiden came out of the dressing room, Finley gasped. He was dressed in a suit which looked like nothing Finley had ever seen. It was black and covered in sequins. He was also wearing a white shirt with a metallic cyan tie. It looked incredible. Finley had to try hard not to kiss him there and then, but he didn't want to make Raven uncomfortable.

"You look amazing," Raven said.

"I look amazing all the time, Bird," Kaiden replied.

"Bird?" Finley repeated, questioningly.

"Bird is the nickname Kaiden gave me when we were kids. He said it once as a joke and it kind of stuck. He only uses it when our dad isn't around though, he hates it."

They said you're next, Bird," Kaiden said, changing the subject.

When Raven had gone, Kaiden sat next to Finley. He thought about asking him about what Raven had said. He was afraid that Kaiden really was taking him for a ride. Maybe he did still think he was a loser.

"Did you tell Raven what happened in the finale?" Kaiden asked.

"No," Finley replied, "but I do want to ask you something."

"You can ask me anything."

Finley told him all about what Raven had said.

When he'd finished, he said, "so, I guess what I'm getting at is, do you really like me, or is this all a lie as well?"

"Castel....Finley, listen, I would never lie about being in love with someone. Yeah, I lied about the firework, because I was scared of what you and Adri would think of me. I've hardly told anyone the truth about that and when I have, people say I'm evil or I have something wrong with me. Even...even my dad said that when he found out. Anyway, I'm not taking you for a ride, Finley, I am in love with you. I hope you don't hate me after finding out I lied, but I get it if you don't want to go on that date."

"No. I mean...I do still want to go. It's just....promise you won't lie to me again?"

"I promise. I wanted the Ceremony to be my chance to show people who I was outside of being Kaiden Lynch. I was in love with Lydia for years, and I thought I'd never find anyone like her. And I was right, I didn't."

Finley's heart shattered a little, before Kaiden continued, "I found you, and you are so much better."

Kaiden kissed him.

"So you two really are in love?" Raven asked from behind them.

Finley blushed a little as he pulled away. Then he looked at Raven's outfit. It was the exact opposite of Kaiden's. A cyan suit, covered in sequins with a black tie. It was bright, but Raven pulled it off perfectly.

"It's your turn, Finley," Raven said.

Finley stood up and walked into the dressing room. He really hoped that Kaiden liked his outfit, even if he didn't.


When Finley stepped out, Kaiden and Raven gasped. His outfit was nothing like theirs.

Finley's outfit was a pair of black trousers, a white shirt, which was complete with a cyan coloured sash and a fake sword. To complete the outfit, he wore a cyan cloak which was covered in sequins.

"You look...amazing," Kaiden said in awe.

"The prince to your dark knight," Raven teased, which earned him a punch in the arm from Kaiden.

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