Chapter 29- Our grand plan

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Trigger warnings- Swearing.

Kaiden was feeling fed up.

Raven's plan was simple enough. He had to go to the dictator's mansion, pretending to be the guard he had stolen the uniform from, and steal five uniforms for the others.

The reason Kaiden was feeling fed up was that he was waiting for the dictator. When he'd given the name 'Roberts' to the head guard, he'd been told that the dictator wanted to speak to him, and no matter what Kaiden said, he couldn't get out of it.

"Roberts, do come in," the dictator said at last, opening the door to his office.

As Kaiden stepped into the room, he could see that the dictator's office overlooked a huge garden. The garden reminded him a little of home, which he didn't really want to think about.

"You may take your mask off, Roberts," the dictator said.

"No thank you," Kaiden replied, trying to sound as similar to Roberts as possible.

"No thank you, sir," the dictator corrected. "I wanted to talk with you about yesterday's events. How did things go with Kaiden?"

"He got away sir."

"I see. So he is still in Halei?"

"I would assume so. It was only in the early hours of this morning that I gave up looking for him and came here. I searched through the night, trying to find him."

"Please address me correctly," the dictator pleaded. He sighed, "Kaiden is such a pain. The other Champions have also escaped once again."

"How did they manage that, sir?" Kaiden asked, knowing that Roberts would probably want to know.

"That's not really your concern. I've put together a team of guards which I want you to lead so that we can find the Champions. The team is waiting in the equipment room. I want those five in my office in three days."

"Sir, what if that's not possible?"

"Then I will have to reconsider your position as a guard. I need guards who are capable of following orders. You already allowed Kaiden to get away. The Champions are somewhere in the Citadel. I've made sure that only residents from the Citadel and guards can travel between the kingdoms."

"Sir, I really feel tired after yesterday," Kaiden lied. "Couldn't another guard lead the team?"

"If you still want to work for me, Roberts, then no."

Kaiden thought about this for a moment. He'd already knocked Roberts out and stolen his uniform. He supposed that losing his job for him as well was probably taking things too far.

"I do, sir. Sorry."

"Good. Oh, I almost forgot. I heard from a Cadet in Halei that you caught Kaiden and you questioned him. Did he tell you who suggested the idea of the speech?"

Kaiden knew that he needed to lie, "yes, sir. He said that it was Cadence Castel."

"That is a lie. The Cadet overheard you. Apparently, Kaiden told you that it was his brother, Raven. Do not lie to me."


"Again, not the right answer."

"Sorry, sir."

"Better. Now go. I will see you in three days."

"Thank you, sir," Kaiden said, and left.

Kaiden left and headed down the hall. He didn't know where the equipment room was of course, so he decided to ask.

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