Chapter 6- Survival is the main objective

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Trigger warnings - Mention of falling, swearing and a minor character death. 

"Adri?" Finley questioned, "you came back?"

"Of course I did. I couldn't leave you two losers by yourselves. You could end up getting yourselves into trouble."

"We were fine," Kaiden replied. "we're alive aren't we?"

"As I recall, Finley was being killed as I approached."

Finley and Kaiden shared a look. They didn't want to tell Adri what had happened since she'd left. So, Kaiden attempted to change the subject.

"What happened after you left?" Kaiden asked.

"We can talk about that after you've told me how you almost got killed. And don't try to change the subject."

Finley sighed, but gave in, "well, I was meant to do a trial where I had to swim to the bottom of the lake. I did that, and at the bottom was a box with a padlock on it. Inside, was a set of ice picks, which Kaiden used to climb up the mountain."

"Ok, I don't think I understand how this leads to you almost being killed?" Adrielle replied, sounding very confused.

"Well, to put a long story short...I fell," Kaiden said.

"You what!" Adrielle exclaimed. "How far did you fall?"

"About ten metres," Finley replied.

"Oh God," Adri muttered. "So then what happened?"

"Well after Kaiden fell, the boy you just killed showed up. He offered to help but he wanted something in return."

"No one does anything for free. What did he want? Your sword? Food?"

"In return for helping me, he wanted to kill Castel," Kaiden explained. "He agreed."

"Why? Surely you want to win the Ceremony?"

"Yeah," Finley said, quietly. "But we all know that I'm not going to win. Like Kaiden said, without him, I'd be dead in a day."

"Now, will you tell us what happened to you, Adri?" Kaiden asked.

"Yeah, ok."

"Just before you do though. I don't think you would die without me around, Castel. I think you'd have a good chance."

Finley smiled. "Thanks, Kaiden."

"Well, I guess I should tell you what I know," Adri interrupted. "Do you want the good news or the bad news?"

"The good news?" Finley replied, questioningly.

"The good news is that now he's dead," she paused and looked over to Adam, "there's only five other contestants left, if you don't include us."

"And the bad news?" Kaiden enquired.

"The bad news is that unless one of us can climb up that mountain, we'll never win."

"What do we even do when we get up there?" Finley asked. "I mean, what if we're the last three standing."

"Well, to start with, kill me and then you two fight amongst yourselves," Adrielle replied.

"Wait, why are we killing you?"

"Well, Kyrah's never had a Champion. So, it's about time someone from there won."

"Or, you two kill me and then you fight each other," Finley suggested. "I have no chance of winning against either of you."

"No, you two have been through everything together. If we're the last three, kill me and fight each other." Adri instructed.

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