Chapter 22- Two wrongs don't make a right

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Trigger warnings- Swearing and shooting mentions.

"You don't have to do this, Fin," Kaiden said as the train pulled into Ronera. "Adrielle or I can do it instead?"

"We all agreed. I knew the risk. I can do it." Finley replied.

As they stepped off the train, Antonio began speaking with a Cadet. Cadence pulled Finley to one side.

"If you're going to try and convince me not to do this, forget it," Finley said, "Kaiden already tried."

"He did?" Cadence questioned. "Well it wasn't that. I-I wanted to apologise. For the way I've treated you."

"Cade, it's ok."

"No Fin, it's not. I've treated you like shit for years, and I don't even know why. I just...missed mum so much, and I didn't know how to deal with that. I mean, you were the one who cared for dad. You've done everything for me and him since we were ten, and I couldn't lift a finger to help." She began crying into his shoulder. "Kaiden and Raven are right, I don't deserve to have you as my brother. You deserve a sister who cares that you're not dead. A sister who is actually proud of you. One, who hasn't waited for seven years to say...I love you."

"I love you too, Cade."

"I'm sorry I called Kaiden a freak. I realise now how much he cares about you. He would do anything for you. I've seen the way you look at him too. Like you're seeing mum again. You really love him. We shouldn't be made to pretend to be dating someone we don't love."

Cadence reached up and took off the necklace from around her neck. She leaned forwards and placed it around Finley's neck.

"Give these people the speech of their lives," she said. "If you need me, I'll be right there. I always will be from now on, I promise. Oh, and for the record, you're not a disappointment, you're a hero and a Champion and I'm proud of you."

Finley was close to tears. "Thanks Cade, it means a lot to hear you say that." Once again, the two of them hugged and it felt like the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.


Kaiden couldn't help but stare at Finley. He'd noticed that he had the necklace back on.

The station was connected to the Ronera town hall by a bridge. As they approached the town hall, Finley pulled Kaiden aside.

"I'm ready to tell people the truth about us," Finley said, "but I don't want to say anything if you're not comfortable."

"It'll make Antonio mad, but if you're ready to tell people, I am too. Just remember, coming out is a choice you make when you're ready. If you want to wait, that's ok. I'm not going to rush you."

"I think I have a plan for this speech, but I need your help. Will you help me?"

"Fin, I'd do anything for you. What do you need?"

Finley explained his plan to Kaiden, who in turn explained it to the others. They all agreed to help. They were all extremely nervous, but they knew that it had to be done.


A few hours later, they'd been given new outfits for the speech. Kaiden and Raven had matching black suits with cyan coloured ties. Finley had a cyan coloured suit with a black tie. Cadence had a cyan coloured dress with a black belt. Adrielle and Reina had the same style of dress, only in purple.

The six Champions sat on the stage as all the cameras turned on and all the people started to crowd around the stage.

Jasper opened the show, "this is Jasper Fernandez, coming to you live from the third kingdom on the Champions' tour. We're in Ronera ladies and gentlemen. Now, for the man who has made all of this possible, Antonio Sanchez!"

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