Chapter 31- Families of all shapes and sizes

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Trigger warnings- Death of a parent mentioned.

While the Lynch brothers were on their way to Astra, Cadence and Adrielle were almost in Kyrah.

The girls hadn't come up with a plan yet, but they'd managed to sneak onto a train bound for Kyrah.

Cadence led the way through the back streets of the kingdom, making sure that no one saw them. She knew where she was going, but she hadn't told Adrielle.

At last, they reached a small brick house in a rougher area of the kingdom. Cadence reached under the doormat and pulled out a key. She unlocked the door and signalled for Adrielle to follow her.

"Is this...?" Adrielle asked.

"Yep, our house," Cadence replied.

The house had only four rooms. The main living area, two bedrooms and a bathroom.

Cadence watched as Adrielle stood in shock, looking around the room.

Adrielle looked at the couch and asked, "this is where...?"

"Yeah, that's where I let Finley sleep since our mother died seven years ago. Dad got ill soon after that."

"Finley said he didn't start working for Donald Brooks until he was eleven. How did you survive before that?"

"Stealing mostly. Fin became good at stealing stuff without getting caught."

"Was he ever caught doing it?" Adri asked.

"Yes. At first he was caught almost every time. He was punished for it too. With anyone under eighteen they usually make them do work for the Cadets. Fin did that hundreds of times and all I did was sit there and let him do it. I was such a horrible sister."

"Did you and Fin ever get along?"

"When we were kids, yeah. When our dad got sick, I stopped caring. I gave up on him almost immediately. I was sure that we'd be sent into care. Fin promised me that he wouldn't let that happen. I told him that it was stupid to try and make dad better. Finley didn't listen. That's when I started being mean to him. It was stupid, but even when Fin proved me wrong and helped us to stay afloat, I took credit for all the stuff he did. I didn't want dad to think I'd given up hope, so I told him what he wanted to hear. I told him that I was doing everything I could to help us and Fin was doing nothing. I wanted our dad to be there for me. I was ten, I didn't know any better. All I wanted was for him to love me, and I saw an easy way to get that without putting in any effort. So, I took it."

"So, you wanted to be his favourite?"

"Yes. I never wanted him to die thinking that I didn't love him. He died thinking that I was an angel who could do no wrong. I'm the failure, not Finley. Our dad died thinking...." Cadence couldn't speak anymore as she started to cry.

Adrielle hugged her. "You are not a failure Cadence. Yes, you did horrible things to Finley, but that doesn't make you a failure. You were ten years old, you were scared that your dad would die no matter what you did so you gave up hope. Just because Finley had the strength to believe that he would get better, that doesn't make you a failure. Yes, you shouldn't have treated Finley like that, but he forgives you. You can make the world a better place." Adri noticed something, "what's that?"

She pointed to an envelope on the table. Cadence went over and picked it up. It was addressed to her and Finley. She opened it.

There were three pieces of paper inside. One for her, one for Finley, and one for both of them.

Cadence began to read:

Dear Cadence and Finley,

It's your dad. I know that by the time you see this, I'll be in heaven. I would give anything to be able to tell you these things in person, but this will have to do.

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