Chapter 19- We're going on tour

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Trigger warnings- Fake dating mention and violence (shown)

Two weeks later, the Champions were getting ready for the tour.

As their dad was still in hospital, Finley and Cadence were still staying at the Lynch's estate. Now that each set of twins had been given a stylist to prepare them for the tour, Cadence was taking advantage.

Finley and Cadence's stylist was a girl who looked around fourteen.

Finley had tried to strike up a conversation with her to ask her name, but Cadence wasn't interested.

"Why exactly do we have to wear blue?" Cadence asked.

"It's to match your necklace, miss, the one your boyfriend gave you," the girl replied.

Oh, the necklace that was supposed to be Finley's. Kaiden had been made to give it to Cadence to keep up the facade that they were dating. Cadence hated the idea just as much as Kaiden and Finley did.


"So, what's your name?" Raven asked their stylist. A boy who didn't even look like he was thirteen yet.

"I'm not telling you. I'm only here 'cause of my stupid brother."

"Look, we're not asking for much. We only want to know what we should call you?" Kaiden added.

"Idiot....Phia...I don't care."

"Ah so you're from Phia," Raven replied.

"Fuck. I wasn't....and I said a swear word! Please don't tell anyone. If my brother finds out...."

"He won't do anything," Kaiden snapped. "If your brother torments you so much that you're afraid of him, why don't you talk to your parents."

The boy was quiet for a while. "I-I can't. They're dead."

"We're so sorry," Raven apologised. "How old is your brother? Do you have any other siblings you could talk to?"

"He's sixteen."

Kaiden and Raven looked at each other.

The boy continued, "and I have eight siblings. Three older, five younger."

Kaiden and Raven decided to quickly change the subject.


Cadence ended up in a long blue dress which had clearly been specially designed to match the necklace. She wore a blue headband with silver hair extensions which made her blonde hair look like it was decorated with streamers. Finley hated to admit that she looked amazing.

Apparently, he and Reina were going in a yellow theme. His outfit was inspired by the one he'd worn in the celebration for the Champions'. His white shirt was accentuated with a yellow tie. He had a yellow cloak which was a lot shorter than the one he'd worn previously. Finally, he had a fake sword attached to his belt. It reminded him of a children's Halloween costume.

When they met with the others, it was clear that most of the budget for their outfits had gone on Adrielle and Raven's outfits. They were dressed in red. Adrielle's red hair complimented the dress perfectly. The mini tiara she wore further proved that they were the favourite couple.

Raven had a black shirt and trousers with a red tie and belt. His outfit was accompanied by a crown covered in red gemstones which made it look like she was on fire.

Kaiden's outfit matched Cadence's quite well. A blue shirt with a black jacket and a cyan coloured cane to match. It was evident that their outfits had the least effort put in.

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