Chapter 30- A family reunited

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Trigger warnings- Confined spaces, swearing and dead parents mentioned.

"You can carry the bags," Kaiden said, tossing his bag to the floor.

Raven didn't move to pick it up. "No," he snapped, "you aren't going to do this."

"Do what?"

"Treat me the way you treated Finley in the Ceremony. I made a mistake. I know it was a stupid decision but I wasn't trying to cause any harm."

"But you almost did. You and Fin could've been caught and who knows what the dictator would've done to you."

"Kaiden, I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't make everything better! You're the one who suggested the speech and got us into this mess in the first place! Now, we don't have all day. Grab those bags and come on!"

Raven reluctantly grabbed the bags and followed Kaiden to the door. He pulled his mask over his face and closed the door behind them.


Their first stop was Astra. Returning there wasn't exactly the number one thing Raven wanted to do. Kaiden was refusing to speak to him, which made the journey there seem even longer.

The two brothers had managed to sneak onto a truck that was delivering supplies to Astra. They had no clue what was in the boxes that were being delivered, but whatever it was made a lot of noise as they bounced down the roads.

As the truck swerved around a rather sharp bend, Raven was thrown against the side of the truck. He cried out a little from the impact, this earned him a glare from Kaiden.

"Do you want us to get caught?" He hissed.

Raven didn't reply.

At last, the truck slowed down. The two of them heard the driver roll down the window and start talking to someone.

"Morning," the driver said.

"Good morning, sir," a voice replied.

The driver ruffled some papers. "Some lights and camera equipment it looks like."

Of course. Raven thought. Astra's specialty is media content. That's why they need that stuff.

As the driver continued talking, Kaiden must've realised something.

"We need to hide," he whispered.


"In one of these boxes, genius," Kaiden replied, sarcastically.

Raven watched as Kaiden moved over to one of the boxes. They were wooden and had a lid which slid off a little like a tomb would.

"Get in that one," Kaiden ordered, pointing to a box on the other side of the truck.

Raven hesitated. He wasn't sure if this was the best way for them to get to Astra. Hiding in boxes wasn't the way he'd hoped they would get there at least.

Eventually, he got in and, with great difficulty, slid the lid back into place.

The truck stopped around ten minutes later.

The driver got out and walked off for a moment.

Raven was just about to ask Kaiden if they should get out, when the back doors of the truck opened. Two people got onto the truck.

"Right, I'll take that one on the left, you take the one on the right," one man instructed.

"Ok," the other person, also a man, replied.

Where our demons hideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora