Chapter 34: Luxurious Set Meal

Beginne am Anfang

[April Mingjiu flicks its feathers: blah blah, I have to wait anyway...]

[Little swallows fly and fly: woo woo woo, I can smell the fragrance, but I can't eat it QAQ]

Ruan Tang couldn't help laughing, and simply I took a cucumber from the refrigerator, smashed it into pieces, and mixed it cold to satisfy their hunger.

[Rabbit Paper Tail: Hey, the anchor is so good!]

There are many ways to make borscht. Generally, the thick soup made in western restaurants needs a lot of spices. In the absence of ingredients, Ruan Tang can only adopt a more Chinese and homely way. Anyway, as long as the owner If the ingredients are right, it will definitely not be unpalatable.

He cleaned the beef first, then cut it into small cubes, put the same cold water into the pot, waited for the water to boil, skimmed off the boiled blood foam, then changed the water, put in a little onion and garlic, boiled and stewed at low temperature, This time it took about half an hour to cook.

Fortunately, at this time, the green pepper stuffed meat in the steamer is almost ready to be cooked, and the pork belly in the soup pot can also be turned off the heat.

Ruan Tang turned off the heat of the soup pot first, but did not lift the lid, waiting to use the residual heat to continue to simmer the pork belly inside, so that the meat would be more thoroughly simmered.

Then he lifted the lid of the steamer, and the hot air radiated along with the rich meat aroma, making people swallow unconsciously.

"Green pepper stuffed meat is ready, everyone can try it now, but be careful of burning it." After putting the green pepper on a plate, Ruan Tang cut one with a knife, so that the audience can eat it more conveniently.

[A Qiu: Delicious! It smells so good!]

[ID20762441: The green peppers on the outside are a bit spicy, but very soft, and the meat inside is very fresh, it's super delicious to eat together!]

[Learn to cook with the host: This dish is really simple to make, it tastes great, it's delicious!]

The outer skin of the green pepper has been steamed into a tiger skin shape, and the spiciness has been reduced a lot, leaving only a little bit, and it even smells a little fragrant. After steaming with the minced meat for such a long time, the gravy has been completely absorbed by the green peppers. After one bite, the juice is rich in flavor, soft but not rotten. The minced meat is salty and delicious, with the spicy taste of green peppers and a little sweetness. A seemingly simple dish, but unexpectedly rich in flavor.

In fact, green pepper stuffed meat can not only be steamed, but also fried, which will have a richer taste, but Ruan Tang thinks that this will be too greasy. It is summer and it is night, so it is better to eat lightly.

At this time, the pork belly in the soup pot was almost simmered, so Ruan Tang took out the pork belly, cut it into thin slices, and neatly stacked them on the plate. This is the white meat. Take another small bowl, add garlic and mash it into a puree, then add soy sauce, salt, and a little sugar, and sprinkle evenly on the sliced ​​white meat. The garlic-mashed white meat is complete.

"Garlic white meat is also good, everyone can try it." Ruan Tang put some chili oil in a small dish in the middle of the plate, for the convenience of the audience who like spicy food.

[Fenghua Chuan: Oh my god, this presentation looks a little nice, I'm a bit reluctant to eat it...]

Because there was plenty of time, Ruan Tang simply set the plate without haste. Slices of white meat are arranged around the plate in the shape of petals, layered on top of each other, and the last place in the middle is bulging, like a small hill. Because the slice is very thin, the fat part looks almost transparent. After the sauce and garlic are poured over, the white meat is decorated with red sauce, and a small circle of red juice is surrounded around it, so it instantly changes from rustic to small. The mountain pack became a sea volcano that had just erupted.

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