#24 ; "his y/n"

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Y/N HAD JUST CAME HOME FROM WORK AND SHE SAW HER CAMERA THAT SUNA GIFTED HER BEFORE. She walked towards it and held it tightly on here chest, the camera held so much memories that was dear to her, she tooked it with her towards the living room, and set it up with the tv.

There she saw, the multiple trips on the beach, the talks on the car, conversations that was between them, silly things that they did, q and a's, suna's terrible pick up lines that seemed so sad and meaningful now. She watched everything, y/n didn't want to stop on watching, her tearful eyes were glued onto the tv.

"have you tried having long hair before?"

"nah, i personally don't like having long hair"

She saw a clip of them on the beach just sitting down and talking, y/n badly wanted to go back in time and change everything, she wanted to know why he left, she wanted to know why he wanted her to suffer missing him like this. She wanted him so badly to be with her, to watch these moments with him, she wanted to know how he is so badly but she didn't know what to do.

"well if there's a red string that's wrapped around my finger right now, I'd follow it and im positive it'll lead me to you"

As soon as y/n heard everything she sobbed so much that she didn't know what to do, she noticed how suna looked at her at that moment, he looked like the first time she saw him on the rental store, he looked at y/n like that with every conversation they ever had.

Thinking about it, made y/n miss him even more, all the small things that he did was now all the biggest impacts that y/n has on her life now. She wanted to shut the tv off, and just cry on her own but she couldn't, she can't. So she didn't.

She just watched her and her first love have their fun not knowing what was gonna happen the next few months.


Y/n arrived at the train station on the way to work and she was just in time for her train. She had bigger eyebags that she had yesterday, her eyes looked like they were squinting because of the crying.

After a while of listening to music, she arrived at the rental store's location, but before she could step out of the train she saw hers and suna's favorite bench.

As y/n walked out slowly, she stared at the bench, and she could remember every single conversation they've had there, even the awkward ones that started to grow every day they met.

She felt like she saw both of them standing while people was counting down the seconds welcoming the year 2000s some thinking that the world will even end, but there they were enjoying their time in the middle of the train station, as they felt their lips touch.

As she imagined this scene over again, y/n didn't realize she was already tearing up, she started walking away while wiping the tears that already got out of her eyes. Even if she didn't even mean to cry, she still had tears to lend for memories she used to think was just a simple special occasion, but now she wanted to relive every single one of them.

She arrived at the rental store, and started to arrange some of the cds to get her mind out of things, as she went by all of the shelves she came across one of the films that suna used to borrow all the time, it was titanic, she used to make fun of him for watching it so much, but he said that he loves that movie.

She opened it and as usual saw the tape, but after y/n took the tape out she saw a piece of paper and the cap of the strawberry milk drink she always drank. She looked at it with a confused expression, while she took out the paper, y/n sat down at one of the corners planning to read it, but as soon as she was unfolding the paper she was disturbed by the sliding doors opening.

She knew she won't have any chance to read it while she's at work so she just continued to put it inside her pocket, and ran up to the counter.

After her shift she remembered that he had the paper, y/n was curious to what might it be, so she opened it as fast as she could when she finally reached the train station.

Dear y/n

I wish you could see this first before anyone else rents this film that you find really cheesy, but anyways, how are you? i hope you're okay, i know myself that im trying my best.

Im sorry for everything, im really sorry.

but once you watch this film i hope you'd understand everything.

-suna, i wish you the best and thank you.

Y/n was surprised, she hoped that he had written his explanation to why he left but nothing about that, he wanted her to watch a silly film? she was annoyed and angry, why wouldn't he just tell her the truth? why didn't he just tell her why and what happened, why did he disappear? she had so much question that's been left unanswered, even though she wanted to find the answers so bad, she can't, something inside her was stopping y/n from finding out the answers, and it hurt her badly knowing herself is just the only thing keeping her away from it.

As she got in inside the train, she couldn't help but think about what she'll do after college if suna doesn't arrive, what will she do? what should she do? there's nothing, for some reason she always thought that maybe she and suna will be always together, he'll always be by her side, and that both of them will be able to live their life to the fullest, together, but it seemed impossible to imagine it now, now that suna isn't by her side it felt like sadness was consuming her.


suna has been working hard these past month, he often used y/n as his motivation but sometimes while he returned home, he'll look around and notice that it was unusual, cause almost every time he went home in japan atsumu and osamu will always blabber and fight about stupid things, suna missed their occasional group bondings, especially when y/n was their to be with them.

Now all of them were all just too busy with their own careers, that they don't even have time to hang out neither talk.

Sometimes suna couldn't sleep, he just stares at the ceiling and thought what would he be doing at this time if he was still in japan, and he'll think of y/n drinking her strawberry milk, as she highlighted her notes while answering his stupid questions.

As he thought about her studying, he noticed that she changed alot since he last saw her back in highschool.

She changed alot, but he was still his y/n.

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