#15 ; "Dear y/n"

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12:34 pm

(J's a lullaby (darling I'd wait for you) by delaney bailey) 

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(J's a lullaby (darling I'd wait for you) by delaney bailey) 

stupido ❤️‍🩹

wanna come to my house

woah there, already???
damn are you speedrunning
or something?

oh shit, uhh you don't have
to come or anything
me nd my friends are
gonna hang tomorrow at my
house so felt kinda weird not inviting



The two have been dating for about a week now and suna has been consistent and never ever missed a day without chatting her and going to the rental store. He's been extra sweet and awesome, and y/n had been a little bit less of an asshole and more caring towards him, their character development sure is growing alot.

They knew each other a little bit better now, even though they've only spent a week on their relationship. They haven't went on their first date yet which was okay with the both of them since they are kind of busy at the moment, but they've talked about it and they agreed on just taking their time and keeping it slow. Their conversations went on as always when suna's on the rental store, stupid questions and games, even if it's pretty idiotic they both enjoy each other's presence anyways so it didn't really matter what the topic of their conversation is.

Y/n went in the rental store and suna went in behind her with a brown paper bag with him, "please don't tell me that's another ski mask from one of your fans, cause if i see one of those ugly things i might puke my guys out-" her rambling got cut off when suna handed her the paper bag "this one's for you, and trust me it's not a diy ski mask that makes you look like a robber" suna smiled at her, y/n picked it up from the counter and she'll admit it was pretty heavy, "okayy, is it a hundred ski mask inside a bag? or is it a bag that's inside of a bag that inside of a box and another tiny baggie inside of a tiny baggie?" she looked at him confused, and suna chuckled at her, "just open it"

She took out a tiny piece of paper that was inside of an envelope, "okay read that when you're at your house cause i don't want you to read it when im anywhere 100 meters close to you." he pointed at the envelope that y/n was holding, "but why" y/n asked dragging the 'y' a little further, 'cause it is very embarrasing for me, now just open the rest that's inside" suna replied and looked at her, "fine, but don't expect me to not tease you about it next time you come here" as she said that suna just nodded and chuckled. She looked inside the bag and saw a big box, she looked at it confused "it's not my birthday yet, what is this?" she said as she took it out of the bag, there was wrapping paper wrapped around it so she didn't saw what was inside. 

"is there a bomb inside?" 

"no, open it" suna smiled widely, as y/n sighed "suna i swear to god if this is one of your pranks im-" she stopped in her sentence as she got rid of the wrapping paper, y/n stared at the box that was staring right back at her, a Century Tégéa, the camera she had been dreaming about since she got into filming, y/n's face showed a shocked and surprised expression. "You like it?" suna whispered as he showed a small smile at her, she didn't say anything, instead she slowly puts the camera down the counter and slowly walked towards suna, "i can get you a different one if you changed your mind about cam-" he said before y/n leaned forward and kissed him. As the same thing happened in the train station, everything went in slow motion, and it was at the train station all over again. 

"When did you even bought this?" she laughed as she examined the camera "uh i think the morning or afternoon after you said you liked filming? i think, i was planning to give it to you at one of your late night shift but i thought it was to early to buy and give you a gift, cause you might think im some crazy stalker." he let out another laugh, as y/n still looked at different lenses, "this is probably the coolest shit i have owned" she looked throught the peephole and pointed the camera to suna, he started posing as she laughed at him "im not taking a photo dumbass" 

He stopped posing and looked at her "oh, well wanna make a movie about me and you?

"did you just ask me to make porn with you?" y/n gasped and suna suddenly turned red "JUST WHEN I THOUGHT I COULD BE ROMANTIC, I WANTED TO SAY TO FILM THE DATES WE'RE GONNA HAVE, YOU KNOW THOSE TYPE OF SHIT" he covered his face weith the brown bag and y/n chuckled "okok, that's a good idea" she smiled.

"Ooh by the way atsumu is planning for the whole group to go to the beach as soon as this semester ends, so i thought i'd tell you earlier so you could stop your plans about summer jobs or something" suna entioned a while they were walking

Y/n sighed and stopped, "look suna i would absolutely love to come but i still need the money im gonna earn to pay my rent" she said hesitantly while suna thought of things to say, "well, the option of moving in with me is open you know? im not saying this cause i want us to move forward, or im speeding this up. im saying this cause i want to help you, and for you not to stress about finding a job, but im not forcing you, okay? take your time, i just want to let you know that the option is completely open for you." he said as he turned towards the girl who was looking back at him. 

"Thank you suna, but maybe let's do the moving in with you a little bit later. okay? i'll try to clear up my schedule to be able to come with you guys." y/n smiled up at him and as soon as he saw her smile he did too.

Y/n arrived at her apartment and settled down at her couch, then she remembered something the letter that came with the filming camera, she took it out from her sling bag and opened the envelope.  

"Dear, y/n. i don't know how to write letters but i'll try to write one for you. 

You know when i met you, i thought i just liked you cause of infatuation, i didn't really thought it was real. it was like out of the blue, after the day that i first saw you at the rental store, i couldn't help but think about you, when i was in my volleyball practice i kept missing the ball, and everyone thought that i was sick, so they sent me home. and then when the evening started crawling in, it was like there was an invicible string pulling me into your existence. Before i even noticed it i was outside the place you work at. i know i sound like a total creep but i just figured i'll let you know how much i thought about you ever since i met you. P.S almost everyday. So when you told me you liked filming everyday things, i went and bought you this before we even dated, actually it's been sitting on my room for about a month now. i hope you like it, i don't want you missing out on doing things you love the most." 

She read the letter over and over again until she fell asleep with it on her arms, y/n didn't want to let it go, she couldn't, so she didn't. 

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