#22 ; "goodnight, and im sorry"

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12:34 pm


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IT'S THE END OF SUMMER AND Y/N ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO GO HOME THIS NEW YEAR. She's been happy about how everything has been going and she's gonna finish college this year so the girl have some motivation now. Suna was still coming to the video store for last couple of weeks as usual and everything was going fast. This is finally the last year of school, and all the weight on y/n's shoulder felt like it's slowly lifting up from her.

For suna, it's been pretty stressful. His manager is now processing his move to another state and he wished it would go slowly but faster at the same time, he wanted to spend more time with y/n but he wanted to go and save his mom faster. He'd been inviting y/n with more and more dates and he convinced her to take weekends as their time together and no working at all.

"suna if you don't shut up right now" she laughed as they went in on the cable car, "no just film it come onnn" suna whined for the thousand time, "okay fine but until we get on the top of the mountain im gonna stop it by then okay?" she sighed in defeat as suna nodded. "WAS THAT A PANDA??" he yelled obnoxiously as y/n turned to the direction he was pointing, "where is it???!" y/n asked looking around, "I was kidding" suna laughed before y/n hit him on the back of his head.

They finally reached the top of the mountain and they went on the parapet, suna took the camera from y/n and put it on the table and obviously he didn't turn it off. "what do you wanna do after college?" suna asked as he held y/n's waist, "i don't know, i guess im just gonna find a decent job with my course." she shrugged, "reasonable, aren't you gonna ask me what i would want to do after college?"

"you aren't even in college" she laughed

"well whatever, what i would wanna do is to spend my time with you" she turned to him as soon as he said that, suna wiggled his eyebrows at her and she just laughed "what kind of pet name is pookie??" she laughed even harder as soon as she said it. Suna looked at her as the sun shined on her face, and he wanted this moment to last for forever, the cold pre winter wind blew and it got y/n's hair out of her face, now suna could have a better view of her.

"Hey!! you told me you turned the camera off! liar!" y/n yelled as she took her camera, she laughed as she ran towards him. "let's go down now" suna said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

Y/n didn't knew anything about it all this time she spent with him, she didn't know that their time was limited, she didn't know she wouldn't even have the chance to tell him goodbye. Y/n L/n was clueless and suna wanted to keep it that way, even if he knows how much this is gonna hurt the both of them, he knew they'll both move on from it. but he didn't know that it would be harder than he thought it would be. They both didn't know it was gonna be hard.

11:30 am

Y/n was walking towards the rental store but she didn't saw anyone there, she didn't saw the familiar person standing beside the sliding doors. She was confused, he never missed a day of her shifts, so she thought he was just running late, she even looked around the block to see if he's just around but no sign of him.

1:56 am

Still no suna going in the store, she wanted to call but thought that maybe he's just busy to go, since he's too occupied on what he was doing to even call or text that he won't be able to make it today. Even though y/n knew suna wasn't going she still waited, for him.

She realized that without suna, her shift is boring, without suna her walk towards the train station was boring, without suna her waiting for her train is boring, without suna listening to music was boring. Without him it was just, lonely. At one point she wanted to call him but she didn't felt nice to bother him if he's doing something serious.

She got in the train as her earphones played music through them. Until she went home she couldn't stop thinking about why suna didn't come today, she kept thinking and thinking but nothing made sense.

Before she could drift off she remembered one line that suna said when they took a walk on the beach, "im going away" but until she could even think about, what he meant by it she fell asleep.

Suna was waiting for his flight, sitting there and not being able to go to the rental store felt wrong, he wanted to ditch the flight and go spend time with y/n, he wanted to see her so bad, but he needed to do this, even if he badly wanted to go back.

He felt like crying, he knew leaving without a goodbye will solve this but it would lessen the pain of seeing each other leave, suna knew if he came to say goodbye, he'd have second thoughts about going and those thoughts would win. This is an opportunity he needed to pursue.

"you okay?" osamu asked as he bought coffee for all of them, suna nodded but osamu knew he wasn't.


suna: goodnight, and im sorry

it was the least he could do, he won't have any contact with her for the next years, who knows it could be for a lifetime.

Their plane was now boarding and suna wanted to run away, go to y/n's apartment and hugged her as much as he could, but he couldn't.

They got in the airplane, and as soon as suna sat on his seat, he wanted to cry, he felt like he was gonna cry the whole flight, and so he did. He opened the small screen that was infront of him and played the first movie he saw, it was titanic, "yo suna you okay dude?" atsumu asked as the blonde haired guy looked at him with widen eyes, "yup, yup im okay it's just that rose and jack is making me cry. don't worry" suna smiled as he tried to wipe of his tears but it just kept flowing.

When they met he wanted to tell her what happened, but he knew it'll just mess up her brain and memories, so he just let it be, he wanted to tell her that the same train station that they last go  to after every shift she had was also the place where they first met, but he couldn't just tell her that, so suna didn't.

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