#06 ; "so famous to be unknown."

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5:05 pm


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FRIDAY FINALLY ROLLED AROUND THE CORNER AND Y/N IS STILL LOOKING AROUND HER CLOSET FOR SOMETHING TO WEAR. Jani her friend is currently with her trying to help y/n to stop panicking about what should she wear for tonight, "ooh here this is cute, just wear this with this dummy. It doesn't look like your trying hard either not trying, go try it out"

"THAT LOOKS GREAT!! now don't panick, this is the first ever party you're gonna go to so make the most out of it okay? don't just sit in the corner looking like an idiot

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"THAT LOOKS GREAT!! now don't panick, this is the first ever party you're gonna go to so make the most out of it okay? don't just sit in the corner looking like an idiot." jani says as she sat her down the best "ill try but don't expect me to not do that at all" y/n replied now looking at the full body mirror she has inside her room.

would look better if he's bald 😍

6:23 pm

yo im almost at ur house
u ready?

im outside where r u
im cold

im turning on the last curb


Y/n saw a car stopping infront of her and  someone at the driver seat rolling down the window, it was suna "sup girl, u tryna hit?" was the first thing he said after he rolled his window down, y/n approached him and hit him in the head, "drop the playboy act if you actually want me to go in your car" she says and suna puts his hands up in defeat "yes mam"

Y/n got in the passenger seat beside suna, he drove out of the curb and there was another awkward silence that was there when they first met, "can i know atleast which house were going or where party's being held?" y/n turned to suna as he opened his car radio playing die for you by the weeknd and ariana grande, "remember my blonde haired friend that i was with the first time we came in the store?" he turns to look at y/n.

"ohhh yeah, i remember him. what about him?" she asks looking back, "well he's the one throwing the party so expect that it's gonna be really violent and alot of drunk people are gonna jump from his balcony to the pool" suna says looking back at the road

"so those are the main events? just drunk people intoxicating the pool with their gross sweat? this might be the worst night of my life" y/n says opening her phone, checking for notifications.

Soon they arrived at atsumu's house, y/n was not shocked to how the place was that big, i mean she expected this already, what could rich people do with money anyways? of course waste it on a utterly exaggerated house. If she were rich she'd do that too, who was she kidding?

Y/n and suna went in as they can hear the music and people already dancing around and drinking over at the backyard. As soon as y/n and suna got in the house people were all over the place, some drinking, making out, and alot of people doing god knows what. "Yo!! suna! what's up?? new girl over here?" someone called out to suna as y/n looked around to see who said that ridiculous comment.

"Don't worry, people do that alot here. im just so famous to be unknown you know?" he whispers over her ear, y/n jabbed him on the side of his stomach as they continued to walk around.

They both stopped at a specific sofa where multiple people were sitting at, y/n saw two familiar faces sitting on the sofa and one of them waved over at suna, "YOOOO WASSUPPPP, ain't my party littt??" the blonde haired guy stood up hugging suna after he dabbed him.

Suna went up to me, and dragged me to the sofa "uh yo this is y/n future girlfriend, just kidding she might kill me after this" he laughed as the others chuckled "oh uh yeah hi, im y/n l/n nice to meet you, don't believe anything suna says about me. It's possibly a lie or something that would get me into prison." y/n smiles at them and they all laughed at her comment.

They both sat down the floor with some other of suna's friends and after some time y/n got the hang of it somehow. "just a minute im getting a drink, y/n u want something?" suna asks "yea just get me whatever you're getting." she smiles to him which suna didn't really expect but he just went went on his way

"so now suna's gone, tell us y/n what do you guys talk about when he visits you at work?" atsumu's girlfriend asks leaning towards y/n, "well technically just random stuff that would just go on to arguments to which one of us is correct" y/n replied back to her after shrugging.

"nooo not those things, like you know. tell me if there's something else going on, if there's moments when u would just feel it. i know you know that he's crazy for going to your work at 11-12 pm at night. And i know it kinda sounds creepy i know what time your shift starts but suna talks about you all the time, actually you're the only one he could talk about. So now tell me what happens at the moments that you would feel like maybe suna likes you which i think we both know he does." lane smiled at y/n

Y/n looked at lane with a shock expression, not really expecting her to dump those information about suna that easily, but she got to her senses and tried to find the words to reply to her "uhm to be honest i don't know, there is some times where I'd feel like we weren't supposed to that since we're just friends, but there was this thing that happened when we were painting one of the walls in the rental store." y/n tried to hide the smile that wants to crep up her face.

"OOH SPILLL" lane replied with a shocked look, "so i think we were on sitting on the floor of the rental store after messing with each other by putting paint at each's faces and my head turned to suna by my side and he was already looking at me. And for some idiotic reason i felt like there was something..." she kept on telling the story about what happened on the rental store the other day.

"OH MY GOD??? THAT'S LITERALLY BOOK WORTHY. YOU JUST HAD YOUR Y/N SCENE OVER THERE OMG" lane silently yelled at y/n shaking her by the shoulders "yo im back, sorry i was taking a long time some buddy talked to me over there. i hope lane didn't make you that miserable here" suna sat beside y/n and gave her the drink he got for her

"Y/n i have a question, how could you spend your time with this asshole?" lane asked going back to the couch, "im the one being an asshole to him" y/n chuckled chugging the liquor that was inside the red cup.

The night went by a haze, y/n danced and talked to people which seemed pretty crazy for suna. After that drink he had with y/n he made sure to not drink cause he'll know that she won't be able to stay sober to even go home. He stayed by her side the whole entire party, some college boys hit on her but he made sure to them that she was nothing close to being available.

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