#04 ; "she totally wants me"

496 16 10

2:05 am

SUNA HAS BEEN GOING TO THE VIDEO RENTAL STORE FOR A WHOLE 1 AND A HALF WEEK NOW. Y/n has let out another annoyed sigh since suna has been here, "tell me what's happening cause i have been hearing you sigh for the tenth time now since i came here" he asks as he changed the music that was playing from their playlist, "okay so the owner asked me to paint the last row over there, but i asked her why me? and she said she couldn't find anyone else from the staffs that would be willing to do things like this other than me and plus she said she'll pay me extra"

"why couldn't she just get someone that is professional to do this? not that im saying you can't do this job but she has the money so" he shook his head slowly in confusion, "see, yeah she's rich but she's cheap as fuck and knowing her she probably thought it'll be cheaper if she makes her staffs do it for her. I have no problem with this but I'm just too lazy to do it on my own" she says before putting another chip in her mouth.

"ohhh i get what your trying to say" suna says slightly smiling at her while nodding slowly, y/n looked at him with a confused expression on her face "what?" she says acting confused "okay I'll help you do it" he says but as y/n were about to jump from her seat "BUT, you need to come to a party with me." as soon as he said the word party y/n sat back down again literally deflating on her seat, "COME ONN IT WON'T BE THAT BAD-" y/n cuts him off.

"No, hell no. you can't make me go to a party you jerk. Do you know when was the last time i went to a party??" she says but as soon as suna tried to reply back to her she cuts him off again "yeah exactly, you wouldn't caught me dead in a party." y/n said sternly, "THAT'S MORE REASON TO GO! you actually need to realize that college isn't just about working and full of workbooks, you need to go and socialize, have fun with people. it's like the best part of being legal." suna says trying to convince her.

"I'll think about it." she says, and he smiles again but this time he tried to hid it from her, but of course she notices it and she rolled her eyes but as seconds went by she kind of showed a small smile. There was this silence between them again as a costumer went in the store, it was an old lady. She walked straight to the romance section, it was kind of weird seeing an older person watch the same romance movie as people watch today too.

A couple of minutes later, the old woman came by and looked at the both of us as she puts the movie she wanted to buy, "will this be all?" y/n asked, she smiled and nodded as a reply, "are you waiting for her?" the old woman asked at suna, "oh uh kind of i guess? i just kind of like wasting my time here with her" suna replied with a dumb smile, "oh well that's very sweet of you. this young lady has a gentleman for a boyfriend" the woman smiled, y/n looked up at her "uh no we're not together. sorry to blow your bubble mam but i would never date him" y/n shooked her head in disagreement.

"ohhh too bad i guess, but that's how i viewed my husband you know? he was real handsome, just like your friend here" the woman said as suna reached for his nape, acting all shy. Y/n rolls her eyes at him "mam don't give him any more compliments his ego is big enough for two people" y/n says as she puts the film inside a plastic bag, suna's smile drop and it was replaced with fake sad face.

The woman chuckled "you two really remind me of me and my husband, too bad you're not planning to be together, and thank you for the film." she gave them a warm smile again and walked out as the two waved goodbye to her. "so you thinking about being my hot cashier gf or nah?" he snickered "shut up and don't even think about it" she glares at him.

After another hour of suna's nagging...

"so what do you do when u don't work or any of that some sort?" he leans forward the counter, "i don't know when was the last time i had free time" she replied turning another page from her book, "okay fine, what do you do for fun? or just something you enjoy to do?" suna sighed, y/n looked up from her book to think "oh probably cinematography, just filming random stuff and editing them so it looks like it's a whole video" she nods.

"huh, i never thought you'd take a profession like that" suna puts his hands on his hoodie pockets, "it's not a profession jerkass, i can't even film outside the school since im borrowing it from my uni's film club, im still trying to save up for it though." she says. "damn so do you happen to have your works with you?"

"why do you ask?"

"just curious, you know why do you always think like i have bad intentions? trust me i don't bite" 

"yeah i know you don't but what if your a kidnapper? or maybe your lying about your age and you could be a pedophile"

"i don't have a single criminal record, and ill be sure to bring my birth certificate next time i come here." suna says trying to lean back down the chair but fails because he was too nervous cause of how y/n was looking at him, after almost a minute of silence and nervousness y/n finally spoke up "still not believable"

suna scoffed "seriously, what should i do to make u trust me?" he says, the h/c haired girl simply just shrugged "i don't know my self to be honest, maybe if your trust worthy then I'll trust you"

"smartass" suna mumbles, "what did u say? i heard you say something i just didn't understand" she smiles sarcastically at him "nothing, i said your pretty." he replied looking at his nails, y/n didn't reply in fact she was just breathing her hair covering her face, suna looks at her with a confused expression.

"you okay?" he asks.

"i hate you, STOP DOING THESE THINGS, YOU'RE A JERK, ARROGANT RICH BOY WHO MAKES FUN OF PEOPLE FOR FUN. god ur SO UGH." y/n runs towards the staff bathroom while suna stood there in shock, "what the fuck just happened" he mumbled to himself as he looked at the room where y/n just went to, he chuckled to himself as a picture of y/n yelling insults at him with a flushed face struck his mind, the chuckle became into a full on laugh

"I CAN HEAR YOU, YOU ASSHOLE" she yells from the bathroom, suna tried to stop laughing but he couldn't stop trying to picture her just in the bathroom silently yelling to herself.

"she totally wants me" he whispered to himself letting out another airy laugh.

A couple minutes later y/n finally got out of the bathroom, "u enjoyed ur bathroom break there princess?" suna says trying to fight the urge of laughing, "okay shut up forget that happened, i need to go to the train station my shift's already done" y/n says  trying to avoid him and his stupid, stupid, eye contact. After she gathered her stuff they got out of the store and as usual suna walks with her to the train station.

"so u still angry with me?" suna walked faster until he got to see her face, "im not angry, for your information im just annoyed" she replied as suna made her stop walking "okay then stop being annoyed, you're not extra pretty now your just really pretty" he replies.

They continued to walk til they arrived at the train station, they sat quietly down the bench, "sooo did u think about my party offer?" suna tried breaking the silence that was killing him before, "yeah, I'll go" y/n replied calmly, "I PROMISE I WON'T MAKE YOU REGRET IT" suna jumped from his seat.

"you better" the h/c haired girl said with a small smile on her face. "yep, she totally, definitely, wants me"

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