#14 ; "Hi"

384 19 6

11:05 pm

(Play something in your eyes by 강혜인)

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(Play something in your eyes by 강혜인)

Y/N ARRIVED BACK FROM HER TRIP YESTERDAY MORNING. For the last one and a half day that past the one thing she was looking forward to going to was the rental store, after what happened with suna the other day she was starstruck the whole trip but she tried to focus on what was still happening around her.

She walked towards the entrance of the rental store and as she expected there he was leaning back the wall while the light from his phone lit his face up. Suna looked up from his phone as he noticed her arrive, there was a minute of silence again as they just looked at each other. "Hi" he said, "hi" she replied to him.

"it's cold out here, let's go inside" y/n cleared her throat and walked towards the door, suna followed behind her, as the door closed he just stood quietly while his head looked around the place slowly, "uh by the way, my brother says thank you for your gift." y/n said as he nodded and smiled at her, everytime he did that nothing really happens, it was just a smile for y/n but now it kind of made her heart flutter.

She smiled back at him and looked down at her hands, suna wasn't used to her smiling like this as well though, she always had this frown. "You look better smiling" he told her while he puts his hands on his pocket, "yeah, you too" her smile dropped 'YOU TOO?? IM SO STUPID! WHY THE FUCK DID I SAY YOU TOO???' she almost scratched her head in annoyance but she fought it.

"how was your trip to your parent's?" suna asked casually as he sat down at the rolling chair, "it was really fun, i missed them alot. and thank you again for buying the ticket for me" y/n replied as a smile almost appeared on the side of her lips.

Suna had tons of questions, he didn't know which one to ask first but he didn't know when to ask them as well, he was running out of small talks and he was struggling, y/n noticed the curious look on his face, she knew exactly why he had this expression, so she just blurted out "you can ask whatever you want to know, don't be scared to tell me. I'll be honest about my answers" suna froze, and got red "WELL YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME OR ANYTHING I JUST WANTED FOR YOU TO FEEL FREE TO ASK-" she panickly put her hands on her eyes to cover her face.

Suna looked at her getting flustered and he just chuckled, y/n looked up from her hands, and she got the frown starting again "what's so funny, weirdo"

"ouch, i thought you were over that phase" he replied

"oh please, your weirdo phase was never over to begin with" y/n said as she rolled her eyes. "wowwww so every minute of these past five days I've been delusional then?" he replied as he walked towards the counter, he leaned down to reach her height, and made eye contact. He smiled as she leaned her head back with shocked eyes, suna lifted one eyebrow gesturing that he wanted answer to his question.

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