#18 ; "it made him wonder."

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"WHAT IF I DISAPPEARED ONE DAY?" HE ASKED ALL OF A SUDDEN THAT Y/N'S PEN DROPPED FROM THE GRIP OF HER HAND. it's been 5 months of them dating, and they had a whole routine already. They got used to each other like they've been together their whole lives, but still suna was worried that if he leaves he wouldn't be able to catch up and would be too busy, so he stayed quiet, but the team needed him to be on board for them to be able to grow their careers, so it was up to him. He said to give him 5 more months, to atleast finish off what he still has.

"i wanna know your answer if your amazing boyfriend suddenly disappears" he wiggled his eyebrows, "it's not funny suna, stop that"

"c'monnnn answer it, honestly okay?"

"fine, i think this whole store wouldn't be the same without you. the train station on the way home wouldn't be the same without you. everything wouldn't be the same without you." she said after taking a long pause, suna didn't say anything, the words she said meaned more to suna than it meant to her.

"why did you ask such a ridiculous question anyways?" y/n said as she started writing on her notebook again, "well i don't know, i was just curious" he shrugged spinning around with the rolling chair, "you have weird questions going around your mind then" she said and picked up a highlighter.

"are you up for the summer trip with the whole group or nah?" he asked again as they closed the door of the rental store. "Well i think they'd let me have a summer break so why not?" she shrugs, and suna yelled "YES!!! good choice, it'll be fun" and held out his hand to gesture that he wanted to hold her hand, she smiled and took his hand as they began to walk.

"so the trip is gonna be 3 days long, and I'll pick you up from your house at the 17th, at 6:00 am. don't ask me why so early osamu wanted to go there early for some reason so yeah" suna said before she went in the train, "got it, and tell osamu he's crazy for wanting to go to the beach at six o'clock in the morning" y/n laughed and suna did too

"I'll wait for you"

"Don't hold your breath"

She went in the train and as the door closed, the words that y/n said earlier to suna's question came flooding in his mind, he was still standing to where the train door had just opened and closed. As he stared at the wall on the other side, he thought about her answers, it made him wonder what will he do if she disappeared from his life.

It made him wonder what will happen.

It made him wonder if he'd make it through life without her

It made him wonder.

He turned around to walk away, as he still thought about the possibilities to what will happen if she was away and not able to be reached. It hurt him just thinking about it, it might've hurt y/n earlier when she thought about it.

Y/n was still thinking about suna's question earlier, it was completely out of the blue but it wasn't as bad as the other questions he asks sometimes, it was just different from the other questions. she thought maybe she's thinking too much about it, she thought that maybe she's just paying attention too much, so she tried to let go of the thought that suna maybe is gonna disappear from her life.

It couldn't be a possibility.



The day of the summer trip came, and y) n's alarm went on, she groaned at the noise, "why do we have to go at six o'clock in the morning" she said as she streched, her things were already packed, so she's just the only one that wasn't ready yet.

She finished her morning routine and went to her closet to find something to wear. Y/n went for a white oversized blouse and black slacks, as she was doing her make up she heard someone knock, "coming!!" y/n practically ran towards the door, and finally reached it. "you ready?" suna asked while looking at her blouse, "kind of" as she said this someone behind suna yelled "HEYYY Y/N!!! WHAT'S UPPP!!!" atsumu was the one yelling, while holding up chips and also lane was beside him beaming at her.

She waves at them as suna took her baggage, "i hope i didn't pack too much" y/n said as he held one luggage and one duffle bag in the other, "you should see lane's and atsumu, theirs are insane" he rolled his eyes after replying and y/n just laughed at him.

After getting extra stuff, and finishing her makeup she got in the car and was ready for the road trip, she turned on the radio and every summertime by niki started playing. "SHUT UP OSAMU LITERALLY NO ONE CARES" y/n could hear atsumu yell from the other car, "at this point im not even surprised that they could even fight inside a car" she laughs while she puts her sunglasses up on her forehead.

Osamu and suna owned a convertible, kita had to go with osamu, atsumu, and lane though since he can make anyone stop fighting, aran couldn't come because he had to visit his parents for the summer.

After a while of y/n and suna doing multiple duets with the songs playing from the radio, y/n eventually falls asleep and suna just enjoyed the hot wind, "YO CAN WE STOP FOR A MINUTE TO A GAS STATION? I NEED TO PEE" atsumu yelled from the car as kita hit his face from second hand embarrassment.

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