#07 ; "you're really nice."

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4:43 am

Play die for you by the weeknd and ariana grande

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Play die for you by the weeknd and ariana grande.

SUNA CARRIED Y/N TOWARDS HER APARTMENT DOOR BUT Y/N GROGGILY PROTESTED THAT THEY STAY OUTSIDE FOR A MINUTE. So there they were sitting down on the stairs on her way to her apartment door, "can we go in now?" suna asked rubbing his eyes, "no we need to wait for the sunrise" y/n sleepily hit him in the face.

Suna groaned "the sunrise is literally 1 hour away y/n, you need to go inside plus it's fucking cold-" before he could finish his sentence y/n stopped him "why are you doing this?" she asks with a sleepy tone, trying open her eyes "doing what?" suna asked confused about her question.

"you know what im talking about, why do you keep on coming back to the rental store even if it's no use? sometimes it's too awkward to even talk and you still smile and look down on your shoes like an idiot." she replies now without leaning on the wall and looking at suna, "let's talk about this another time, you're drunk you won't remember anything i say anyways"

"just tell me, i might remember bits and pieces." y/n protested now looking at him with less sleepy and more focused eyes, "i don't know myself, but i can't go on my day without knowing what kind of insults you have ready for me, and it's turning into a routine to go to the video rental store you work at every eleven pm."

Y/n stayed silent still expecting him to keep going on his explanation, "you might consider yourself as an asshole, a bitch, or anything else in that matter but you're really nice, you're nice to talk to, you're nice to be with, and in general you're just nice to just exist with. im not sure what the fuck im talking about right now but i hope you'll leave the cheesy stuffs out of your bits and pieces."

"You think I'll be able to remember these?" She looked at suna's eyes not breaking eye contact this time, "do you want to remember?" he asked also not breaking eye contact, "i do, i really do." y/n kept a straight face throughout their whole eye contact, suna did too.

'is this the moment that lane was talking about? was she right about it? was i just running away from the feeling that i was afraid ill catch on to in the first place?' she thought, they both wanted to make this moment last forever, but nothing does. unless it was meant to be forever.

Moments of silence was all they needed to communicate to each other solemnly.

Just for each other to exist was more than enough for the both of them.

Y/n saw a stray of red and orange light going through suna's skin, this time suna broke the eye contact, y/n was surprised she could hold on to looking at someone's eye without feeling an awkward tension on the air.

Suna turned to y/n, "let's stay for a little bit longer."

"if that's what you'd like" she turned to the orange and red sky, the wind was cold but she didn't felt cold at all, in fact she felt like she was burning. It felt good to the skin. Maybe it was because she was drunk and her face felt like it was burning.


would look better if he was bald 😍
10:52 PM

did you tell ur boss u not
going to work?

i still haev heafache
anf im toi lazu typr si gpofvye

im screenshoting all of this
to hold it against u
y/n reacted to this message: 🖕

"yo suna tell me, what's going on between you and video rental girl? she ur homegirl now or sum?" atsumu asked jumping over the kitchen island, "nah we not something yet but im FOR REAL TRYING TO HINT IT ALREADY" suna yelled halfway his sentence.

"why don't you just say it bruh, are you a pussy now?" he replied to the brown haired guy who was laying down on the sofa, "im not, it's just that i might mess it up you know?" atsumu stood up from the table "oh my god, you're afraid of messing something up. holy shit suna"


"come onnn don't act so innocent, literally you didn't care before about this shit. if sometimes girl reject you, you don't care. EVEN PRACTICING FOR OUR GAMES AT HIGHSCHOOL. you didn't care about most things but now, you're caring for you to mess this thing up? damn suna, damn." he replied smirking at him as he took a bite from the apple.

"i have cared for something before"

"like what? you didn't even care when my hamster died, what could've possibly went wrong in your life that made you care most than that?"

"it was a hamster atsumu, it's not like one of your family member died or something"

"kill yourself, that hamster was literally the only thing that kept me from having a tantrum when i was eight" atsumu rolled his eyes

"good for you" suna chuckled as he looked up at the ceiling, "what's happening?" osamu asked taking the robe off the chair, he just went back from a night swim.

"bro get your dick out from our faces it's literally blinding us" suna covered his eyes with his palm.

"WHY'D YOU EVEN LOOKED AT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE DUMBASS" atsumu yelled at suna while osamu just looked at them both with bored eyes "im cooking dinner in a sec"


"I LITERALLY FLIRT WITH HER EVEN IF I DON'T MEAN TO" suna yelled as he ranted about how the last couple of weeks with y/n has been going for him, "skill issue to be honest" the blonde haired guy said laughing at his friend's idiotic behavior, "atsumu, respectfully shut the fuck up" suna sighed before ranting about his inexistent love life. "Well technically the best thing you could do right now without fucking it up is to just let it flow by itself, if you know what i mean. The moment will come soon, don't rush it. and i recommend you to tell her about your career as soon as possible when your reletationship starts. " osamu replied to all the ranting suna just did.

"when the actual fuck did you learn all these shit bro? did we miss something that we should have experienced to be able to already have this much knowledge about life?" suna said with a exagerated shocked expression painted all over his face, atsumu just tooked a sip from his wine, him being with his brother all the time was like being with a wise grandpa who expirienced different types of tough shit throughout his whole life. 

"you never got used to it, he talked like that when he came out of the forrest." atsumu said chuckling, "but anyways just don't fuck it up suna, i swear if you do then i will actually punch the shit out of you for ruining your own happiness." he added.

"yeah just, tell her everything she needs to know then you'll decide on what to do" osamu said while trying his pasta sauce he just cooked

"this is way too hard, im not used to opening up to someone about my career and life." the brown haired guy said as he dramatically drops from the sofa to the floor. "dude, youre not used to it cause you never really got serious about someone other than 7th grade. remember when you used to cry about it when she talked to other guys at school?" suna's blonde haired friend laughed 

"yeah, i only liked her cause she was an early bloomer." suna replied sighing 

"you know you could get cancelled to what you just said right?" osamu looked at suna still facing towards the wall and hugging the pillow. 

"yo you sure you don't want the pasta osamu just cooked right now? his homemade pasta?" atsumu asked suna that was still laying down the floor, "nah, im too sad to eat" he replied back to atsumu in a sad tone. "homeboy's going through ittt" atsumu and osamu snickered, "SHUT THE FUCK UP I COULD HEAR YOU SNICKERING OVER THERE YOU KNOW. IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY ASSHOLES" suna yelled at them and this time their snickering grew into a whole laughter, as suna just wallowed at the floor. 

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