No you don't darling!

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I just woke up... Today is the day!
My birthday!🥳🥳

I stood up excited and went to get ready. I think that Pedri was still sleeping, since I couldn't hear anything downstairs.

I usually wake up at 9am. Pedri on the other hand at 10am. or 7am. when he has training. I ran downstairs, but no one was there.


No respond.

"Pedri wake up!" I shouted as I went to his room. I opened the door and the room was empty.

Where did he go? He said that he doesn't have training today. Maybe he went to pick up Pablo? Or went to Camila? Who knows.

I tried to call him, but he didnt answer my calls. Then I tried to call Pablo and it was same. One last try with Camila... She didn't pick up.
Fine! You wanna play like this, we will play your stupid game.

Things were better since we talked with Pedri about us. Now Pablo is coming over often or I'm going to him. Pedri is now okay with it. I don't know what was his problem before?!


I spent morning at home. I ate and watched TV, expecting Pedri to come back, but nothing.

Well I can't be home alone all day. I got ready, took Max and went shopping. What else should I do on my birthday than go shopping?!


I ordered my food at KFC and sat on one table to eat. Well this was little sad... I'm alone... On my birthday...

I checked my phone to see if I maybe have some messages or missed calls, but nothing. What is going on today?!

After I ate, I went to more stores, hoping that clothes can make me happier, but no... I called taxi and went back home, because I couldn't walk anymore.


As soon as I got home, I threw myself on the couch. I felt exhausted and sad. Still no calls or messages. Maybe they forgot? But how can Pedri forgot my birthday?! He knows that November is our month!

I hope that mom and dad are going to call me, but they didn't. I felt so lonely at that moment. The only one I had with me was Max.

I went to the bathroom to take my make up off and change into my sweatpants and sweatshirt. Okay sweatpants is mine, but sweatshirt is Pablo's. I can't stay away from them when I'm at his house. They're like a magnet, pulling me to take them. Pablo doesn't have a problem with that, he let me wear them, but this one is his favorite and he doesn't know that I took it... And he won't find out!


I was lying in my bed, with one of the 10 boxes of ice cream that Pablo once bought. Max was on the  floor in his bed. I was watching sad movie and crying. I don't wanna be pick me, but I just felt sad at that moment. How can they forgot?! It's 10pm. and nothing! All day, nothing!

I heard something downstairs. Something fell and broke. What is it?! Maybe someone got in the house?!
Oh shit, what should I do?! I wanted to see so bad, but I was scared. It's not  comfortable when you are home alone and hear noices downstairs.

I opened the door slowly and peeked out. I don't remember that I turned off all lights?! It was dark. Okay I can't go downstairs just like that! It's like a horror movie where someone is going to jump from the dark and kill me. I took my phone and turn on the light.

I slowly went downstairs. Everything was so dark. I walked in the kitchen and took frying pan, just to be safe! I was shaking, what if it's some robber, what if he has a gun or knife with him?! Frying pan won't help me in that situation. But oh well I'm dumb for even coming here. I should have stayed in my bed, crying and eating ice cream.

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