Missed calls

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"Max! I'll call you Max!"

"Max is boring name. I think we should call him Simba." Pedri said.

"Pedri are you serious? That name doesn't go with him."

"Oh really, but Max goes huh?! "

"I saved this puppy, so I'm going to name him."

"Come on Tamy, Max is often name!"

"But I like it."

"Okay fine, call him whatever you want, to be honest I don't care, I'll call him Simba anyway!"



Pedri and I argued this morning about puppies name. And it's Max to be clear. I lay on the couch to watch something, while Pedri went to his training. Suddenly, Max came and lay on my chest. I had to take a photo of him.

 I had to take a photo of him

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@tamy_gz Meet Max❤️

Liked by @pedri, @anna_m, @camyy
@pablogavi and 43.528 others


@anna_m: so cute😍

@pedri: It's Simba for me
@tamy_gz replied: Sure if you want🙄

@camyy: I'll come to see you two!😍

@tamy_gz replied: come asap!!!

@tamyfp: adorable!!!❤️😍😍

@pedrifan: Simba is better name!

@fptamara.2: Max is so cute! 😍😍


When I posted the photo on my Instagram, I continue talking selfie, when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled. I know it's Camila.

"Hey girl!" she said as she ran in the living room and kissed my cheek.

"Hi Camy!"

"So this is Max!" she said and took him from my hands, placing him on her lap.

I told her what happened yesterday.

"I don't think anyone will try to look for him." she said.

"Same. He is mine now, I don't want to give him to anyone."

"But what if owner actually show up?"

"I don't know. I'll think of something. I really want to keep him."

In that moment, Pedri arrived from his training.

"Hey girls!" he said tired.

"Oh hi Pedri!" Camila said smiling.

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