My nickname for her

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The day of Pablo's birthday came. I packed my make up and clothes since we are going in the morning and I won't have time to come back home and get ready.

"Hurry the fuck up Tamara!"

"I'm coming Pedri! Don't be fucking annoying!" I said running downstairs.

"You know that that's my job!"

"Come on!"

We sat in the car and he drove us to Pablo's house. I didn't mention what I bought him. The other day, while he was looking for something, I went to the other store and bought him something. I don't know if he will like it, but I think it's cute. It's not just oke thing, there are many others...

"Happy birthday to my little brother!" Pedri said hugging him when Pablo opened the door.

"Thanks man!" Pablo said happy.

Pedri went in while I stayed with Pablo.

"Happy birthday... Pretty boy!" I wispered that last part.

"Thank you... Darling!" he also wispered that last part.

"Are you excited for tonight?"

"Excited and nervous."

"There is nothing to be nervous about. You look great, we will help you get ready and everything will be perfect."

"Just like you!"

"I'm not important today. It's your day and you are in the first plan."

"The only important thing to me is you! I don't care about anything else." he smiled while looking into my eyes. I blushed, but I had to look away since Pedri came back.

"Tamara can you help me get things we brought inside?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure..." I said and went to the car.


We were decorating the house for a while, then Pedri had to go to the bathroom. I took a chance to gave Pablo his present.

"Pablo I have something for you."

"You didn't have to buy me anything."

"Don't be stupid, it's your birthday dummy! Here you go! Happy birthday!" I said handing him a bag.

"Thank you Tamy!" he said taking a bag and putting it on the table. He begin to open the biggest box in the bag.

"What is this?" he asked confused.

"Open to see it!"

He opened it and stood there with open mouth.

"Tamy are you serious?!"

"You don't like it?" I thought that he maybe don't like it by the look on his face.

"What no... How did you know?! I wanted to have this like ever since I saw them." he said taking them out of the box.

"Well I saw that you were looking at them and I knew what I'm gonna get you. Soo... Do you like them?"

"I love them! And I love you too!" he said and hugged me tight.

"These are gooood!" Pedri said out of nowhere so Pablo and I pulled apart.

"I know right! I can't wait to wear them! Plus it's my favorite colors!"

"Tamara how did you know that he wanted this football boots?"

"Well I saw that he was looking at them and I thought why don't I buy him for his birthday. They were limited edition and I had to get them!"

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