Did I make you happy?

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Two weeks passed since Camila's birthday party and... incident with Pablo. He is fine now and Nick has never called me although he has my phone number. It's better for him not to call me. Pedri was mad at me after that night, but he has a soft heart and he can't stay mad at me for so long.

When he came back home that night, he walked in my room and hugged me. He even apologised and said it was his fault. I don't know how we came to that, but okay! At least he didn't yell at me like he can.


Pedri and Camila are going to visit her family in Italy. That means only one thing... I'M HOME ALONE!

I will have some peace while Pedri is out! He was packing his things and talking with Camila on face time, when I walked in his room.

"Hey! Have you ever heard about knocking on the door before coming in?!"

"I don't! I came here because of Camy."

"You could have called her on your phone."

"I can't Shit Sherlock, you are talking to her for two fucking hours! How am I suppost to talk to her?!"

"Two hours passed?!" Camila said.

"Yes! You guys started acting like wife and husband!"

"Hey hey hey! Take that back, I'm not that old!"

"You don't have to be old to marry someone." Camila said.

"Still... We are in relationship, not in marriage!"

"Whatever... I'm going to miss you so much!"

"Aww sis, I'm gonna miss you too!"

"I was talking to Camila."

She laughed.

"Get out!"

"Just kidding Pedri, don't take it seriously! Of course I'm gonna miss you too." I said as I layed on my stomach on his bed.

"What are you gonna do alone?" she asked me.

"I don't know, probably chill with Max. I don't have anything to do soo..."

"You can call Pablo over!"

I gave her no look.

"What did you say?" Pedri asked.

"Nothing, never mind!"

"You said she can call Pablo?!"

"No, I said she can call.... Paige!"

"Yeah Paige!"

"Who is Paige?!"

"The girl she met on my birthday. They get along and I said she can hang out with her while you are out."

"Oh... Okay." he said and continued packing.

That was close!

"I have to go to pack! Pedri when will you come to pick me up?"

"We have to be at the airport at 5am."

"Okay! I hope I will wake up on time."

"I'll let you go to sleep Camy and I'll see you in the morning!"

"Okay my love! See you!"

"Bye Camy!"

Pedri hung up.

"Are you ready big bro?!"

"Yup! I packed everything I needed and now I can go to sleep."

"You have to eat before you go to sleep!"

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