So what if I did?

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Two hours passed and our house was full of people. I knew most of them, but not everyone. There were some Camila's friends I have never met and some of Pedri's. This is a chance to meet them right? I was mostly with Camila and her friends. Pedri set uo music and it was so loud, you couldn't hear what others are saying.

After some time, Pedri came and took Camila's hand. They went to dance. Other girls also went to dance with their boyfriends. Great! I'm always left out! I need to find a boyfriend like...

I didn't want to dance, so instead I went to the kitchen to take a drink. Some guys were there already drinking and smoking. I thought that Pedri has some normal friends, but I guess I was wrong. Andways I took a drink from the kitchen counter and was about to walked out when I heard some boy shouting:

"Hey little girl, aren't you a little too young to drink?"

"Ummm...No, I'm 17."

"Your age Nick!" the other guy said pushing the boy next to him. He smirked and blushed.

Weird! I just walked out of the kitchen and went back in the living room. I have to admit, he was kind of cute, but I already have my eyes on someone else. But that person is sitting on the couch with no one other than Sarah on his lap. Who invited that bitch here?! I swear if Pedri invited her, I'll murder him!

She was all over Pablo who looked a bit uncomfortable. I wanted to help him somehow, but then I saw his hands on her waist. I don't wanna sound like that girl, but THAT SHOULD BE ME!!! Not her!

She hugged him around his neck and I just walked away. If he wanted, he would push her away earlier. Looks like he doesn't need my help. Why do I even care, we are just friends!
Best friends! Right?! RIGHT?!

Oh I'm so dumb! We are maybe just friends, but I see him like something more. I know that he is off limits, but who cares?! Maybe I am dumb for falling for him, but I just can't help myself. He is so cute and funny and... And he is the person I need! He is the boy I like! He is the one! He is that person he was talking about earlier.

I went outside and sat on the deckchair looking at the people in our pool. How can someone be in the pool right now?! I mean it's not that cold outside, but the water is cold...

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" someone said.

I turned around and saw the boy from before. He sat next to me. Nick I think...

"I'm Nick!"



"Nothing, I'm just chilling here..."

"Why alone?"

"Well I was suppost to be with someone, but he is busy with someone else."

"Can I know who is he?"

"I... It's... Never mind. I don't wanna talk about him."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"No, we are just friends."

"Then don't worry about him. He is free to find someone else."

"And what am I suppost to do?"

"Well... I'm here... We can still have some fun and maybe get to know each other. How about we go to get something foto drink first?"

"Sure! Let's go!" I said and took his hand.

We went in and walk through the crowd in the living room. I saw Pablo sitting on the couch alone. I wonder where his bitch go? "

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