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I called Camy to come over to my house today. I have to ask her about Pedri. I need to know if she likes him or not. Pedri went to his training, so we can talk alone.

When she came, we sat in the living room and I brought some snacks to eat while we talk.

"Camy I have to ask you something and you have to be honest with me!"

"What is it Tamy?"

"Do you like Pedri?"


"Be honest with me. I won't get mad, I just want to know the truth."

"Ahh...okay...fine... I like him. I'm sorry Tamy, I tried to push my feelings away, but I couldn't. I have never been so in love like now and...."

"Camy! Hey! It's okay. I understand. That's all I wanted to hear. You don't have to apologise."

"But we have..."

"Fuck that stupid rule. It's not even a rule, it was just my advice, but you can't go agains love."

"I'm sorry Tamy! But I like him a lot. He is funny and sweet and nice and handsome and..."

"Okay, maybe you should stop! Don't get me wrong, but he is my brother and I can't see him the way you can."

"I know we had that rule of me not dating or liking him, but it just happened. It's not my fault that he is naturally like that!"

"It's not and as I said, that rule means nothing. I just wanted to know if you really like him. You started acting strange lately and he is different too."

"What do you mean?"

"He is ignoring Pablo's calls, but I saw you on the screen and I knew he was talking to you sooo..."

"Oh yeah. He said that he will call him later, because it was probably nothing important."

"That's why Pablo messaged me."

"Speaking of you and Pablo, so you still like hate each other?"

"No... When I think of it now, we have never really hated each other. We just didn't get along at first."

"Good to hear. So you are..."

"Friends now."

"Nothing more?" she asked with a smirk.

"Umm...nooo.. Why?" I asked confused.

"Because I saw you two lying down next to each other a that day."

"Oh.... You saw that?"

"Yes and I wanted to tell Pedri about it, but I decided not to."

"Oh thank God! You scared me for a second! Pedri can't know about this!"

"I'm not gonna tell him, if that's what you want."

"Good. Just keep it as our little secret."

"So something is going on between you two?!"

"No! We are just friends."

"Mhhmmm...." she said not believing me.

"I swear!"

"Okay. I believe you."

We were talking for some time, then she had to go home. Pedri arrived soon after she left. He looked tired and immediately went to shower. I made him something to eat like a good sister.... I'm not that bad if you think that of me. I have my ways to make someone happy.

He ate and after that went to his room to take a nap.


I was cuddeling with Max, when Pedri come downstairs looking fancy.

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