Do we really hate each other

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Two months passed since I moved here. Camila and I became even more closer, but she started acting weird lately. I invited her over to my house to hang out. Pedri and Pablo were also here.

Speaking of Pablo, we are going somewhere. He is less annoying than before and I like how things are now. I often hang out with them and I have to admit that Camkla was right. He is sweet, nice and funny... but not always.


I was sitting with them in the living room, when we heard the doorbell.

"It's Camila! I'll get it!" I said as I stood up and went to open the door.

Pablo's POV

"It's Camila! I'll get it!" Tamy said and walked away.

"Camila is here?!" Pedri said in panic.

"Bro relax, it's not like she..."

"Hi boys!" Camila said as she walked in.

"Oh hi Camy! I didn't know you will come." Pedri said as he ran his finger through his hair. Oh God!🤦‍♂️

"Let's go to my room Camy!" Tamy said and they went upstairs.

She gave Pedri death stare before going up. He just rolled his eyes and looked back at the screen.

"I told you she will be mad."

"And I told you that I don't care. She can't decide who I'm gonna like or not. It's my thing."

"Try not to hurt that girl though."

"Pablo?! When did I hurt some girl huh?!"

"You hurt your sister every day."

"That's not the same thing. She do that to me too, so?!"

"Just saying. You know how Tamy will react."

"Seems like you care about her more than about me."

"I care about you too, but she is a girl."

"Do you like her or something?!" he asked me. I looked at him confused and shocked at his question.

" know I would never do that to you!"

"Just asking. You know my rule number one! You can't date my sister!"

"No, I don't like her. She a sister to me too!"

"Okay. I believe you."


After some time, girls came downstairs. Pedri looked at them, while I was still focused on the screen.

"Where do you think you are going dressed up like that?!" he asked.

I turned around to look at them. Wow... They were wearing short dresses and high heels. Camila looked pretty with her blonde hair and red dress, but Tamara...
She was wearing black dress which revealed her chest a little. I have to admit, she looks beautiful. I couldn't help but just stare at her.

"We are going to the party right?!"she said.

"Don't you think that your dress is a little too short?"

"No, it's fine. I like it."

"Come on! Get ready so we can go together, or you can come later."

"Pablo say something!" he said looking at me.

" beautiful!" I managed to say. I felt my cheeks burning for some reason.


"Thanks! See, that's the real man!" Tamy said.

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