Get out!

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Tamara's POV

I was lying in my bed next to Pablo. He was hugging me and still sleeping. My phone couldn't stop ringing.

Who the fuck is calling this early?! I picked up my phone from night table and answered without even looking at who is calling.

"Hello?" I said still sleepy.

"Good morning Tamy!"


"Yeah... Are you sleeping?"

"No Shit Sherlock, I'm walking my fish out!"

"Oh... But you don't have..."

"Pedri I know! I was sleeping, but then you called and... Well... I'm awale now. What do you want this early?"

"I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna be home in 10 minutes."

"Haha funny."

"I'm serious! We had to come back earlier because I have to come back on the training."

"Where are you now?"

"In taxi with Camila. He will drop her off at her house, then I'll come back."

"Umm... Khm khm... Okay... We will talk when you arrive. I gotta go now!"

"See you sis!"

"Bye!" I said quickly and hung up.

"Oh shit shit shit! This is bad!"

"What's happening?" Pablo asked with sleepy voice.

"Pedri is back!"

"What?! He was support to come back in 2 days!"

"Well he changed his plan! Now we are in trouble."

"Where is he?"

"10 minutes away from home. Pablo we fucked up! He is gonna find out..." I said putting my shirt back on.

"Here dress up quick!" I said trowing his sweatpants at him.

"Jeez relax! I just woke up!"

"Last night you weren't that tired!"

"Yeah, because it wasn't fucking 7am."

"Oh fuck! This is bad! What are we gonna do?"

"Lie! Just tell him that I came here to see you!"

"I already told him that I was sleeping. Why the fuck would you come if I was sleeping?!"

"Oh shit... Well I don't know then, you fucked up by saying that shit!"

"No time to argue now! Think about something Tamara, think!" I said walking around the room in panic.

"Maybe you should put sweatpants on first." he sais coming closer to me.

"Pablo no time for stupid shit!"

"I'm serious, you don't have nothing down except panties."

"Oh... Right!" I said and ran up to my closet.

"Sooo...what now?"

"Well since he is close to home, he would see you if you came out now, so that's off! If we lie to him, we will probably know because I already fuck up on phone call... The only thing is for you to sneak out when he came."

"How am I suppost to do that?"

"Tamara I'm home!" Pedri yelled.

"Oh shit he is here!"

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