He will come by himself

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The day of Camila's birthday came! I was so excited and nervous. I felt sorry that I can't wish her happy birthday, but it was a part of Pedri's plan.

I woke up earlier than these days. I went down and started making sandwiches for me and Pedri.
He walked in the kitchen looking tired.

"Good morning sunshine! Happy birthday to your girlfriend!" I said as he sat at the table.

"Good morning to you too sis! What's for breakfast?"

"I'm making sandwiches. I don't have time to cook anything now."

"Relax, party starts at 8pm."

"I know that Shit Sherlock, but the house won't set itself up."

"Right! I'll go to pick up food and drinks and..."

"No need, Pablo will bring them."

"He told you?"

"Yeah! Go and enjoy with Camila."

"She is gonna be mad on me."

"On me too. I feel so sorry for doing this."

"Look at it on the bright side, she will thank us later when she see all the things we did."

"Probably. Here you go!" I said as I gave him his sandwich.

We ate and Pedri went to get ready to go out. He going to Camila's house and talking her to lunch at 4pm. Good thing that I'll set up the house all alone. I mean Max is with me, but he is a dog, he can't do anything. He only lays on bed and sleep like a baby.


I was trying set up balloons first, but it wasn't so easy. First it was hard to inflate balloons, second it was hard to put them on the ceiling since I wasn't so tall. I took a chair and it was a little easier now. I put the first balloon and was about to came down of the chair, but I wasn't looking where I stood and my foot slipped.

"Slow down darling!" Pablo said as he caught me.


"Hello! You should be more careful. That could end bad for you." he said as he put me down.

"I know. I was trying to put the balloon up and my foot slipped and..."

"I'll help you with that. You go to do something else!"

"Thanks! Why did you came so early?"

"Well I was bored... And I know that Pedri won't help you. So here I am!"

"Good thing that someone is thinking about me."

"All the time."


"Nothing, never mind... What else you have to do?"

"To make decorations for food, to set up food when we get it and to get ready after all that."

"Nothing else?"

"Nope... So I can help you set up balloons."

"Fine, but you are not gonna stand on that hair again."

"Alright! Easier for me."

I helped him to set up balloons. It took us more than we thought. 3 hours passed and house was finally ready. We sat on the couch tired.

"Why don't you call Pedri to bring the food and drinks?"

"I don't want to bother him. He is on lunch with Camila."

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