It's my fault

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I woke up lying on Pablo's shoulder. I looked at him and he was sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to wake him up, so I went to get ready and to make breakfast for us.


I was making pancakes for breakfast and I was singing and listening the most beautiful song I have ever heard. It remind me if someone... You can guess😉

"When we're lost at a club getting drunk and you give me that smile.
Going home in the back of a car and your hand touches mine.
When we're done making love and you look up and give me those eyes!"

I felt someone's hands on my waist and then he turned me around to face him. He looked in my eyes with the cutest smile ever.

"Cause' all of the small things that you do, are what remind me why I fell for you!"

Pablo sang as we were dancing. I blushed. I didn't mean him to hear me singing. I just looked down and stopped dancing.

"Why did you stop?"

"You were not support to hear me singing."

"Well I did and I'm glad that I did. Your voice is beautiful!"

"You are just saying that because you don't want to hurt me."

"No Tamy I'm serious! You should sing more!"

"No way!"

"Please I want to hear you again!"

"Maybe next time! I have to finish making our breakfast!"

"It can wait, please sing again!" he said holding my hands looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Nooo.... I already said! I don't wanna sing." I said blushing.

"You are cute when you are blushing."

We made an eye contact again, but this time no one wanted to break it.
Suddenly Max started barking. I turned around and saw that my pancakes were burned.

"Oh no no no!"

"Looks like we are going out to eat!" Pablo said and laughed.

"Oh shut up! It's fine, it's only 3 pancakes. I'll make more anyways."

"Can I help you?"

"Sure, if you want."

"What can I do for you miss Tamara?"

"You can stop calling me that and take what you want to eat with pancakes!"

"Uhhh fine!"


We were together for 3 more hours, then Pablo had to go home. I was sad that he had to leave, but oh well...

I was in the backyard with Max, when my phone rang. It was Camila, calling me on face time.


"Hey Tamy!"

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing special, just chilling with Pedri. We will go out to show him beauty of Italy, but I wanted to call you first."

"Is that my sister?" I heard Pedri's voice.


"Hey Tamy! How are you? Is everything okay?! Please tell me you didn't end in jail!"

"Hello to you too my brother! Everything is fine, I'm home with Max."

"Oh thank God! I was so worried."

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