Still not friends

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The day of the game came! Camila came to my house to get ready. Pedri was getting ready as well and I could tell that he is nervous.

"I'm so nervous!" Camila said.

"Pedri is too. He said that he hasn't slept all night."

"I'm sure they will win."

"Me too! I don't understand why is he so stressed."

"You are not the only who is gonna play, I am. So shut up if you can't understand me." Pedri shouted.

"Was he listening our conversation?"

"Yep! I think he did."

"Are you two done?! We have to go." he asked as he opened the door.

"Not yet."

"Well I have to go, so hurry up!"

"We'll be ready in 5 minutes."


Pedri was waiting for us in the car. Camila sat in the front, while I was in the back. Pedri said that we have to go to pick up Pablo. Of course🙄

When he arrived in front of his house, we saw Gavi standing there with his bag. He opened the door and got in next to me.

"Hey everyone!"

"Hey Pablo! Are you ready for tonight?" Camila asked him.

"Yes, but I'm so nervous though."

"Pedri is too."

"I don't understand why are you guys like this. It's just a game and you know you will win anyways." I said.

"But what if we lose huh?!"

"You are not gonna lose Pedri! Don't be so dramatic! You worked hard and everything is gonna be okay."

"For the first time I have to agree with her." Gavi said.

"Thank you!"

"Wow, what happened to,,He/She is annoying?!" Pedri asked.

"Nothing, I still think that she is annoying." Pablo said.

"Same!" I said and looked out of the window.


Camila and I went to our seats, while Pedri and Pablo went to get ready. We sat in the first row, because Pedri got us good tickets. At least he did something right.

It was so cool being there with all those people who came to support their team. Barca fans were very positive as I could see. They were wearing players jersey and had flags or sign.

"Everyone is wearing their jersey!" Camila said.

"Huge fans. Do you have a jersey?"

"No, I wanted to buy one, but I have more important things to buy. Why didn't you put on yours?"

"Because I don't have one."

"Really?! Pedri is your brother and you don't have his jersey?" she asked surprised.

"Well no, I don't. He didn't give me one so..."

"Can't you just steal one from him? I mean he wouldn't notice, right?"

"Nah, I want Lewandowski's jersey."

"Why don't you ask Pedri to get one for you?"

"I asked him a few times and he said that he will get me one, but when he didn't, I just gave up."

Secret hater/loverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora