Chapter 21: Alternative Possibilties

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"What is it?" I questioned, looking at the clear, unlabelled bottle of pills.

"The heat from his body could be interrupting your cycle. You can use this to replenish the lost water. Like a water, vitamin pill." She explained. "It never occurred to me that because you are so different it could happen."

I gave her a weak smile. "Thank you."

She walked over to me and put my hands in hers. Her hands were as cold as mine. "In two weeks when you back here, it will be tears of joy, okay? You are perfect the way you are and you don't need a dragons baby to prove that."

I looked down towards her hands. "I'm sorr-"

She squeezed my hands. "Don't apologise, it's not your fault." She asserted.

"Okay." I muttered softly.

She smiled at me and let go of me. "I assume you don't need any more supplies. I can give you some relaxants"

"No, it's fine, I still have a few more at home." Since me and Brax have been having sex more, I haven't had to use the relaxants as much. My walls started to relax naturally, so it wasn't as painful as the first few times. I stood up about to say my goodbyes.

"Before you go do you always wear that necklace I gave you?" She asked, watching it in my chest.

"Most of the time." I revealed. Truthfully, I only wore it when Brax and I were going to be around people and didn't want our eyes to glow. I was begging to control my powers myself so didn't need it, but I didn't want to be ungrateful and say I hardly wore it.

"Have you noticed anything?"

I shrugged. "It helped control my powers." She frowned. It wasn't the answer she was looking for.

Florence opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Dr. Florence, your next appointment is waiting." The nurse said through the door

With that, Florence stood up from the chair. " Hopefully, the next time I see you there will be a little one in there and you can stop stressing about residency." At the mention of that my eyes began to tear up again.

The chances were looking slimmer and slimmer.

Slumping against the hospital bench, I sat there feeling sorry for myself. Thinking about how my uncle would find me if I stepped a foot out of the place. If I couldn't get a job, the money I made here could only last so long. Brax informed me, that while it was true that we were dating, it would still take months for me to become an official citizen of Infernae, as I was not a refugee or had special skills.

The only way to guarantee my place was with a child. As me and Brax got closer the idea of having his child sounded even much better in my head. It was no longer me wanting a baby just to get away from my family, it was now making a family.  I couldn't see myself with anyone but him so possibly. However, in 3 weeks if I couldn't have his kids I would be ripped from here. Dragons weren't exactly welcomed in any place other than Infernae, so I couldn't ask him to uphold his life and move with me. Although, the way people treat him here it may not be hard to convince him to try Magicae.

A slow sigh escaped my lips, as my brain began to process additional problems I couldn't stop finding. My eyes remained fixed on the colourful array of flowers opposite the bench. I groaned internally when I felt the bench squeak from the weight of something. I wanted to be myself and last time I checked there were about ten empty benches down the path. About to stand and leave the voice startled me. "Why so down Blue?" It questioned.

I turned to see the Prince sitting beside me. I was surprised that he wasn't with an army of guards surrounding him. "I'm not in the mood for your sexual jokes today." I grumbled.

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