Puppeteer pov.

'Hey Matthew could you go home for me? I promised my mom I'd be home at 10pm but I wanna finish the polearm and I won't make it in time' I explained. 'Sure whatever.' Matthew said. He unfused from my body and I shiver. It always feels funny when he does. Infront of me was standing a perfect clone of myself. "I don't want a demon to be my enemy." I joked. "Especially not me." he said confident.

Matthew pov.

Shape shifted to Y/n I walked out of her base to her home. As I walked in her mom already seemed to have waited for her and hugged me. It's confusing. Noone has hugged me in centurys. I slowly hug her back but I felt how awkward it was. "Is everything alright honey?" she asked. I nodded and said I was just a little exhausted. "Cmon were gonna cook togheter and after that we'll play some games. Your cousin is on a sleep over so she won't be joining us tonight." she said. "Oh alright." I awnsered. This is so weird and confusing. I don't understand this women. Why is she so nice? My 'mother' was never this nice. She never invited me to cook with her or play games. I followed Y/ns mom inside the kitchen. "Alright what do you want to eat?" she asked. "Oh uhm hm." what does Y/n like again? Oh! "Guacamola with nachos?" I asked. She giggled. "Well that's not a proper dinner but whatever you wish for honey." she said while grabbing 3 avocados. She handed me a tomato and told me to cut it in pieces. I nodded and helped her. We put the avocado flesh into a bowl. I kind of enjoy her company. Nah tf I ain't a cringy asswhipe. She's Y/n mom not mine. As we finished she grabbed a bag of nachos and handed me the bowl. We walked into the living room and put it next to us on the couch. "Let's watch a movie instead." she suggested. We ended up watching a Disney movie called Moana. We put on subtitel so we could sing along with the songs and I actually had a great time. Oh god what is happening to me. Only about a week ago I was a mighty demon people feared me I lived in hell and now I'm singing along to fucking Disney songs. That girl is a bad influence man. "Alr you have school tomorrow it's bed time." she said and I nodded. She gave me a good night kiss on top of my head. Irritated I went into Y/ns bedroom. When I closed the door I felt someone grab me from behind and cover my mouth. "Wtf?!" I muffled. "I'm sorry Y/n but you'll need to come with us." omg are those that gay ass hero dicks? Infront of me was standing that Mosquito guy and I'm assuming captain diabetes is the one ties me up rn. Ugh Wtf. They put a bag over my head and carried me out of the window. If I wouldn't be Y/n right now I'd whoop their asses. I kick around me but nothing seems to help. "We've got her." mosquito said. "Good job guys return to the Racoon layer." I heard that fatass Racoon say through the phone. This is just great. I can't even complain proberly because Y/n wouldn't say a thing in this situation. Why would they even kidnap her? Did this human kite asshole snitch on her maybe? I remained silent until they pulled of the bag of my head. I'm inside their base now. They all stood Infront of me and looked at me while whispering to each other. "Uhm Cartman let me go." I said. "Uh I'm not cartman, sadly, he's so cool tho. Care to guess again?" he awnsered and I looked at him pissed. Istg they're so lucky I'm Y/n rn. "What do you want from me then?" I asked in a fake scared voice. "Human kite told us that you're white knights assistant and we want you to tell us who she is." Racoon explained. I looked at human kite and gave him the best disgusted and disappointed look known to man. Just to make him feel bad. "I ain't telling u anything." I said while turning my head away from them. Suddly I felt Racoons Nails scratch over my face. Shit. This would heal immediately and they'd probably figure out that Y/n's white knight. I need to shape shift into having these scars over my face. "Hey Wtf that wasn't the plan!" mysterion yelled. "What else am I supposed to do?" racoon asked looking at the other heros that didn't really agreed with this either. "I'd rather die then snitch. Unlike you guys." a fake tear rolled down my eye from the 'pain'. "Ugh this is getting us nowhere." Racoon scoffed. I'm so fucking mad rn. "Well how are we gonna tell white knight that we've got Y/n?" super craig asked. "We're simply gonna let Y/n call her. But first we'll need to plan where to give her back and shit. Mysterion you watch after her so she wont try anything funny." he explained and the rest walked over to a big table. "Wow, you're such great heros. Kidnapping is soo heroic from you. I'm soo impressed. I feel sooo safe." I said sarcastic. Mysterion sighed. "I'm sorry Y/n this wasn't supposed to happen.. If he tries to hurt you again I'll step in I promise. Just wait a little I'll get you out of here." he whispered while whipping away my fake tear. Gay ass. "Mhm thanks." I said trying to be polite. 'Yo Y/n I kind of got kidnapped.' I told Y/n telepathy. Good thing I gave her that ring. 'YOU WHAT?! BY WHO?!' she asked. 'Racoon friends. Yea human kite kind of snitched on you and now they kidnapped you, well me. Could you pick me up please? It's kind of cold here. Mysterion said he would bust me out but I'm not very patient.' I said. 'omw.' she awnsered and I smirked. Ohoho she's mad. "What's so funny?" Mysterion asked. "Oh it's nothing." I giggled.

Puppeteer pov.

'omw.' I said. I trusted Kyle God dammit. I equipped my polearm and thin strings I exchanged for the lasso. It has the same effect tho. I'm to lazy to change to white knight so I'll just tell them white knight send me. I put on my mask and headed to the Racoon layer. I broke in through the door inside cartman house. Good thing cartmans mom is not home.

Human kite pov.

I feel horrible. I didn't thought Puppeteer is actually gonna stop black mailing us so I told on Y/n. Now she got kidnapped and sits tied up in our base with huge scratches over her cheek. She was only helping me and now this happens. Racoon explained where we should meet with whi.K. I look down on the table. "WTF DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" we heard a female voice yell. Suddenly the door was kicked open. That someone stomped down the stairs. They were wearing platform shoes and black jeans. The second I saw a part from a teal waist coat I realized Puppeteer is walking inside our base. She looked Hella mad and I could even see that through her full-face mask. Everyone was tied to the ground since they didn't expect HER to come inside OUR base NOW. Before I knew it she used some kind of string to turn them into their puppets except for Racoon, me and Mysterion since he wasn't sitting on the table. Mysterion just gave us a look 'You can deal with that yourself.' and kept on standing next to Y/n. Racoon wasn't doing shit. That pussy. Puppeteer walked up to me and slapped me across the face. "You fucking dick. Y/n helped you. Without her your little secrets would be on the internet sooner or later. She trusted you and you snitch on her?! You're fucking disgusting." she scolded. Next thing I knew she made me her puppet too.

Puppeteer pov.

After I yelled at kite and made him my puppet I turned to the rest of them. "Your wish is our command, Puppeteer." they said in synchronization. "Beat up Racoon." I said while I untie Matthew to leave with him. "Wait!" Mysterion yelled. I turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "I'm really sorry for all this. Why didn't you make me a puppet?" he asked. "I know you don't only care about the franchise Mysterion. You're a good person you just have the wrong friend." I look over to racoon who's getting kicked by the others. "I know you tried helping her, I need to go now. Bye bye cutie." I said while giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before throwing Matthew over my shoulder and leaving.

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