old friend

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season 5episode:7

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season 5

The next morning Remi went out to eat with Miguel, Eli, Sam and Demetri. On their way to the restaurant there was a big Cobra Kai stand handing out merch. The group tried to ignore them but one of the boys turned to the group, "Here have a shirt."

Remi was immediately taken back at the boy in front of her, "Remi, well isn't this a wonderful surprise." Remis friends were confused.

"Kai, What are you doing here? Last time I saw you you were with the Black Dragons."

"Yeah well, you know how Ty is. He's not exactly the best Sensei. But Silver, now that man knows what he's doing. But the real question is what are you doing here? Last I saw you, you were married and dancing around with the rest of your Wasabi Weasels." Kai stated.

"Married?" Eli questioned from behind Remi but she ignore him and her friends who were clearly confused.

"Haha so funny, You picked up that nickname from Ty i'm guessing. My dad got a job offer so we moved here."

"Ah I see, well it's great that we are back in the same town again." Kai said.

"Yeah, It is." Remi said with a clench of her jaw. She turned around to her friends, "Why don't you guys go ahead, I'll meet you at the restaurant in a minute."

The group was hesitant to go but did, Eli the only one that stayed behind. "Remi I don't think that we should just leave you here."

"I'll be fine, I'm just catching up with an old friend. Go with the others, i'll be there in a second. Could you just order me a smoothie till I get there?" She asked.

"Okay, fine. Just be careful ok? I love you." Remi smiled at him, he was worried about her. She could see it all over his face. "I love you more." He leaned down to kiss her real quick, glaring at Kai he walked away and towards his friends.

"Poor Frank, he's gonna be heart broken when he finds out his wife is cheating on him." Kai said.

"Enough with the crap, why are you actually here?"

"I told you why i'm here. It's a winning dojo with a good Sensei."

Remi scoffed, "Yea i'm not buying that. I'm gonna find out what you're really doing here, okay? And I want you to stay away from my friends, or else."

Kai laughed at her, "I don't think you should be making threats like that. You don't want your new friends to find out about the time you betrayed your little Wasabi friends do you?" He asked.

"How do you know about that?" Remi asked.

"I have my ways."

"Well it doesn't matter. During that time we were broken up, Rudy left, we were all on our own. I was the only one that stayed with the Black Dragons but I came around in the end to fight with my friends. They all understood what I had to do, my new friends will too." Remi said.

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