two dojos

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season 3episodes:7 & 8

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season 3
7 & 8

A couple days later Remi was at school when she felt someone hug her from behind, "Surprise!"

Remi turned to see Miguel standing in front of her.

Squealing, she hugged him again, "No way! You're walking! I told you you could do it!"

"Yeah you never gave up on me." Miguel laughed.

The two walked through the halls together and ended up running into Demetri. His arm in a cast.

"Hey the comeback kid! Welcome back! And Miss Santiago!"

"Hey Demetri! How's the arm?" Remi asked. "It's ok, i'm hoping to make a similar triumphant return to the land of the mobil appendage masses like this guy."

"What's up with the cast?" Miguel asked.

"Proximal radius fracture."

"It smells." Yasmine said joining the group. "I put a lemon rind down there to mitigate that. The invitation for you to sign it still stands."

Remi didn't even realize she zoned out until she felt Yasmine pass her.

"So uh... how'd you break your arm?" Miguel asked.

Remi and Demetri wore nervous looks on their faces. "We've got a lot to catch up on."

Remi noticed Miguel and Hawk talking during lunch. She couldn't hear what they were saying but by the looks on their faces, neither of them were happy.

The cafeteria started laughing and Remi looked to see that Kyler had drawn a dick on Demetris cast.

Demetri stormed out with a sad expression and Remi waisted no time in following him.

On her way out she passed Hawk, "Some friends you have. Though they aren't the ones responsible for the broken arm, are they?"

"Dem, are you ok?" Remi watched as he wiped a tear away.

"I'm fine."

Before she could say anything else Yasmin walked up to them. Remi decided it would be best to leave the two alone.

After lunch Remi was greeted by Miguel and another man. "Hey Miguel and other guy who looks way to old to be a student."

"Did you just call me old?" The man asked. "Sensei, this is Remi. Remi this is Sensei Lawrence."

"Uh it's nice to meet you? What's going on here?" Remi asked confused.

"So Sensei is creating a new dojo and I was wondering if you could help train us like you were with the Miyagi Dos?"

"Wait a minute, i'm the Sensei. I call the shots so why would I let some teenage girl teach my students. Especially a teenage girl who's friends with Miyagi Do." Sensei Lawrence said. "Sensei, she's my friend and not to mention, she's a two degree black belt. We could learn some things from her."

"You aren't gonna spread any peace and defense bullshit are you?" Sensei asked Remi. "Nah, I do a lot more than that. The code at my old dojo was, We swear by the light of the dragons eye to be loyal and honest and never say die!"

"Not bad, I guess you could show up and help but if you start spewing any mumbo jumbo you're out." Remi nodded her head as Miguel asked, "So are you in?"

"Why not!"

Remi showed up at the park and eventually found the group. She walked up to them as Sensei Lawrence was throwing them shirts.

"Hey Remi!" Miguel said. She said hi back as Johnny threw her a shirt, "Here you go, Sweetheart."

Remi rolled her eyes at the man.

"This is...uh what's your name again?" Johnny asked.


"Right, this is Remi. She's going to be helping us out. All right, everybody, fall in!"

"Sensei look!" Miguel said, both Johnny and Remi turned to see Hawk and two other boy. "Still got it! All right, everybody. Looks like our class just got bigger. Make room."

When Johnny turned back to Hawk, Tory and Kyler came around the corner. Followed by them was Kreese and the rest of Cobra Kai.

"I told you, Cobra Kai for life." Hawk said.

"Don't worry Johnny. I'm not here for a fight." Kreese said. "Yeah? Then why the hell are you here?"

"I'd like to make you another offer to come back to Cobra Kai where you belong."

"You're crazy if you think i'm ever teaming up with you again. The garbage you're feeding them, the shit they're pulling, it's messed up! And you're to blame for that."

"I have to disagree with you there. I care about my students. They're strong and they're true fighters and they wouldn't make the mistake of showing mercy and ending up in a coma!"

"Alright that's it! Listen here old man, what you're teaching your students isn't going to turn them into warriors, it's gonna turn them into killers. They're all gonna become lazy bums that end up in jail all because they thought they were the shit and showed no mercy!" Remi said walking closer to the two. Miguel and Hawk also stepped closer.

"And what are you exactly doing here, little girl?" Kreese asked.

"Remis helping to train us, in case you forget, she's a second degree black belt." Miguel said.

"Well this is very cute. Getting little kids to teach your students Johnny? You better listen to me, this is it. There's not gonna be another chance."

"Good!" Johnny said.

"You made your choice. And you are going to regret it!" Kreese put on his sunglasses before walking away with the Cobra Kai's.

The next couple days Remi would help Miyagi Do and Eagle Fang. The two were very different but they both had great aspects.

Remi wished the two would just work together. It would make things a lot easier, especially for her.

When it came to school, she either walked with Miguel or Sam and Demetri.

She actually helped get Miguel to talk to Sam again.

And anytime Remi made eye contact with Hawk in the hallway, she'd give him a sad look before turning away.

Remi had gotten her boot off a couple weeks ago and Demetri had just gotten his cast off.

Remi was at Miyagi Do today and Mr Larusso did not seem like he was in a good mood. Luckily Sams mom thought it would be good to take a five.

The group went to grab drinks.

"Hey guys don't get too stressed out. Something's are harder than others and will take more time." Remi told the group.

"Thanks Rem." Demetri said.

The group heard another voice outside and decided to listen in.

The last thing they expected to hear was that the All Valley was canceled.

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