you probably shouldn't have done that

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season 2episodes:5 & 6

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season 2
5 & 6

Remi had offered to run some errands for her mom. She was walking back from the store when she spotted Moon walking with a guy with a mohawk and two other boys behind them.

"Hey Moon."

"Hey Remi, how are you?"

"I'm good, still trying to figure out my way around but i'm getting there."

"So, what do you think of our little town so far?" Moon asked.

"It's not bad, I definitely miss my friends back in Seaford but I think i'm slowly getting use to this place." Remi smiled before turning to the kid with a mohawk, "Nice hair, I like the color."

"Thanks, I like yours too."

"Yeah we'll my hair is no where as red as yours." The boy laughed at her comment.

"Remi this is my boyfriend, Hawk." Remi let out a little laugh before saying, "huh fitting." She then realized the scar above his lip, "Woah that's a cool scar."

Hawk gave her a hesitant smile before saying, "Thanks."

"Well it was nice seeing you again and nice meeting you but I should probably get these groceries home."

"Hey we should hang out some time." Moon said and Remi smiled, "We definitely should! Next time we see each other we can plan something."

After dropping off her groceries Remi made her way to the Miyagi Do dojo. She had only seen it one other time. Remi knew that Robby and Sam would be done with training soon and they were planning on going to the mall together.

When Remi walked into the backyard not only were Robby and Sam there but Demetri was too. "I didn't know you go here Demetri?"

"Hey Remi, yeah I just joined a couple days ago. Do you train here too?"

"Nah i'm not really looking for a dojo right now."

"Wait you two know each other?" Robby asked.

"Yeah we met at Valley Fest." Remi watched as Demetri struggled with the movements. Remi was going to say something but thought it would be better to let Mr Larusso handle it.

Remi listened to what Demetri was saying about Cobra Kai and it seems they might just be the Black Dragons of the Valley.

When they got to the mall they immediately went to get food. Sam and Robby got their food and went to find a table while Remi waited with Demetri. Once they got their food they sat down with Sam and Robby.

Demetri started talking about some time travel movie and Remi couldn't help but zone out. Remi broke out of her deja vu when Demetri said, "Wait! Is today Wednesday?"

They all nodded.

"The new issue of Dungeon Lord came out. Um do you guys want anything from the comic book store?" Demetri asked.

"Um no thanks." Robby answered for them. "Ok i'll be right back. Make sure no one throws away my chicken." He said before running off. They couldn't help but chuckle.

Demetri reminded Remi of Milton and that brought a small smile on her face.

When Remi finished eating, Demetri still wasn't back. She told Robby and Sam that she was going to run to the bathroom real quick but when she got back she heard people yelling and a crowd in the middle of the food court.

She pushed her way through to see Hawk and his friends fighting Demetri, Robby and Sam. Remi was shocked, Hawk seemed like a nice guy but apparently he isn't exactly what he seems.

Remi thought about stepping in but decided not to. This wasn't her fight but after watching Robby get pushed back and Hawk running at him Remi knew she had to do something.

She ran in front of Robby as Hawk was in the air about to punch him. She grabbed his fist and couldn't help herself as she said, "You probably shouldn't have done that." Before flipping him over, knocking him out cold.

Robby ran up to her, "Woah Remi that was insane. I know your dad said you're a two degree black belt but damn i wasn't expecting that. Thanks for saving me."

Remi laughed, "No probably, he's a real jerk."

"Yeah well that jerk use to be my best friend."

Remi turned to see Demetri looking down at his best friend, "I'm sorry Demetri, you deserve better friends than him."

"On the bright side, we saved your chicken." Sam said.

That night Remi facetimed Kim who was with the others. "Hey guys!"

"Hi Rem"

"Sup Remi"

"We miss you!"

"I miss you guys too! You will not believe the day i've had..." Remi said as she started to tell them everything. It was nice being able to talk to them but she still wished she could be back in Seaford with them.

That same night Hawk was a mess. He was angry, angry that Moon broke up with him, angry that Demetri was being a nerd and angry that he couldn't remember the person who knocked him out at the mall.

It all happened so fast that he couldn't see who did it but he heard their voice and it sounded familiar. That's what made him the most angry, that he couldn't figure out who's voice it was. Those words kept playing over and over in his head "You probably shouldn't have done that" as he punched the punching bag harder and harder. And of course when Kreese walked in he had some things to say.

The next morning Remi woke up to her phone ringing. "Hello?"

"Remi you need to get down to Miyagi Do now!"

"Why what's wrong?"

"Someone trashed the dojo." Was the last thing Sam said before hanging up.

Remi got there as quickly as she could. It was bad. Furniture was broken, there was spray paint, Mr Miyagis medal of honor was stolen. Remi didn't know who Mr Miyagi was but he must have been important. Mr Larussos car had the words "Cobra Kai Never Dies" spray painted on the side.

Mr Larusso looked broken. Remi couldn't help but tear up watching him look at dojo. She doesn't know what she would do if someone did that to the Bobby Wassabi dojo. The three watched as Mr Larusso hopped in the car and drove off, leaving them behind.

The next couple days Remi helped clean up Miyagi Do. There were even a couple kids from Cobra Kai that came to switch over, which definitely caused some problems. There was lots of fighting and yelling at first but eventually everyone started to get along.

Mr Larusso had asked Remi if she wanted to stay and train with them but she declined. She wasn't really sure about how she felt about how they train. Like defense is good but you need more than just defense. So instead Remi went home and trained, the Wasabi way.

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