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season 4episode:6

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season 4

Remi was back at the Miyagi Do dojo. She tried texting Eli but he hasn't spoken to her since last night. She figured she should give him some space.

Remi was correcting Sam on her punches when Daniel came out with news. "The All Valley committee just announced big changes for the tournament."

"What kind of changes?" Sam asked. Daniel handed her the paper, Remi read it over her shoulder.

"They're introducing skills competitions?" Demetri asked and Daniel nodded. "Kata, board breaking, weapons display?"

"Remi have you ever had to deal with a skills competition at a tournament?" Chris asked.

"Yeah pretty much every tournament i've been to has them. They are actually quite common at tournaments. I'm surprised you guys had never had them before."

"And there's gonna be a separate girls division. So that means..." Sam said. "There'll be two All Valley champs."

"What does that mean for the bet with Cobra Kai?" Chris asked and Daniel explained that there's a grand champion trophy.

"All I know is the girls division is mine." Sam said.

"Yeah, unless Remi would like to join us?" Daniel asked.

"Honestly I thought about it. But I can't. Anyone higher than a first degree black belt can't compete in the under 18 division apparently for this competition."

"But that's ridiculous, you're under eighteen." Demetri said.

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing. But that's ok, i'll be your guys' cheerleader." Remi said.

"Actually you can be my assistant Sensei if you would like?" Daniel asked her. Remi smiled big as she nodded.

"Well then that just leaves the skills and the boys. I'm counting on you guys."

"Who, us?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, we're a bunch of rudys. Sure were good for the occasional inspirational moment, but we're not exactly center mat material."

"We were much better off with Miguel and Hawk."

"Or he who shall not be named. Rhymes with Dobby." Remi clearly understood he was talking about Robby unlike some of the other students.

"Look, I know you're missing some of your friends. And of course I wish Robby was here. But it's time to put the past behind us, all right? Don't worry. By the time the tournament comes around, you're gonna realize this was the best thing that could've happened." Daniel said.

"Yeah, and don't stress too much. You guys will be great. I can even bring Jack in to help with skills. He's an expert on breaking boards and a bow staff." Remi added.

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