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season 4episode:8

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season 4

The two decided to go to the after party which ended up being at Stingrays for some reason.

Eli and Remi were sat on the couch, Remi curled up into Eli's side as the two talked about random things. Next to them was Demetri and Yasmin who were ignoring Remi and Eli and instead making out.

They weren't there long, Yasmin decided to pull Demetri away to "check out the rest of the house."

The music stopped and a man entered the room. He threatened everyone by saying they were gonna get arrested for underage drinking but Stingray took care of him.

Not long after that the talking between Remi and Eli turned into kissing which turned into a bit of a make out. One of Eli's hands was in Remis hair, the other dangerously low on her hip. Remi was straddling his waist with one hand on his cheek and the other on his chest.

Remi knew in her mind that she wanted to be with Eli for a long time. The two might have had some ups and downs but they were able to push past that.

To her Eli was something out of a movie, the perfect mix between a guy who was funny, nerdy and sweet but could also stand up for not only himself but his friends and could take down anyone he needed too. Not to mention that he's saved her twice now, which in a way made him her knight in shining armor.

Remi knew she loved him, it wasn't a surprise to her. She knew it from the moment he switched sides and saved her from one of the Cobra kai guys. She knew the moment he kissed her that she had fallen hard. She just didn't know when to tell him.

Remi broke away from the kiss, "I'm gonna grab us some drinks."

Eli smiled at her and she couldn't help herself, "Ok one more!"

She gave him one last kiss before walking away. She wasn't quite sure where the drinks were, she ended up following some people who were heading outside.

When she walked out she was immediately met with yelling and cheering. She pushed her way through the crowd to find Sam, Miguel, Tory and Robby fighting.

"What is wrong with you guys?" Remi yelled as she got closer to them but they didn't seem to have heard her.

Remi tried to break Miguel and Robby apart which wasn't a good idea. Robby ended up push not only her and Miguel but also Tory and Sam right into the pool.

Remi immediately swam to the surface, she knew her dress was ruined. She looked over at the others but they hadn't even noticed she fell in with them. They were too caught up in their own things.

Other people decided to jump in the pool but Remi wasn't planning on sticking around. She got out of the pool and walked into the house, not caring that she was dripping water everywhere.

Eli's eyes immediately met hers, "What happened?" He jumped off the coach and ran towards her.

"I'm going to kill them. They will die slow, painful deaths."

That wasn't much of an answer.

"Ok, you can tell me what happened later. Let's get you out of here." Eli could tell Remi was freezing, he immediately took off his suite coat and wrapped it around her and than led her out and to his car.

Eli drove them over to his place. After helping Remi out of the car they made it into the house and into Eli's room.

"I don't think i've ever seen your room, I like it."

Eli blushed a little at Remis statement, "Thanks. You must be freezing, let me get you some dry clothes."

Eli dug around in his drawers until he found a pair of sweatpants that were too small for him and one of his hoodies that happened to have his last name on the back.

"Here, this should be good. I'll let you change real quick." Eli walked out of his room so Remi could change, she called his name to let him know she was done.

Eli thought she looked beautiful in his clothes. She's always beautiful but he liked the idea of her wearing his clothes.

"Do you have any socks? My feet are freezing." Remi asked.

Eli found the warmest pair of socks he could and gave them to her before grabbing clothes to change into. While he went to change Remi looked through his collection of movies, trying to find one for the two to watch.

"Did you find one to watch?" Eli asked, wrapping his arms around her from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder.

"I was thinking maybe we could watch Scream." Remi turned her head to look at him. "That's your favorite one."

A look of surprise grew on Remis face, "You remembered? I told you that so long ago."

"Yeah well after you told me I made sure I had it on disc," Eli watched as a smile grew on Remis face, "Now come on, let's go watch it." He hugged her a little tighter before letting go, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the basement.

The two were curled up on the couch, blankets around them as they watched Scream. Remi slowly started to doze off, Eli playing with her hair wasn't exactly keeping her awake.

He watched as her eyes closed, a small smile on her lips. Her head was rested on his chest, her left hand was also on his chest connected to his hand, her right arm was down by her side and her left leg was across his waist, she was practically on top of him. But he didn't mind, he continued to use his free hand to play with her hair, his eyes kept darting from the movie to her.

She looked so small, peaceful. He waited a minute, just to make sure she was truly asleep before saying, "I don't think you realize how much you've affected my life. I was in such a dark spot and you brought me into the light. I guess I just wanted to thank you not just for being in my life and actually sticking around but for reminding me that even someone as broken as I was can be saved. You are probably the most important thing in my life right now, you feel like home to me. You're the one I want to take on dates and go on adventures with. You're the one I want to protect and hold and never let go. You're the one I want to be there for when times get tough and it feels like your world is crashing down. You're the one I want to spend my good days and bad days with. It's you. With out a single doubt in my mind. You're the one. And i've been dying to say those three words. Those eight letters. I just don't know if you're ready. So until I know, i'll wait. Because I love you."

Eli placed a kiss on the top of Remis head which caused her to nuzzle her head deeper into his chest. And as his eyes drifted back to the movie he missed the smile growing on her face.

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