together but seperate

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season 4episode:1

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season 4

"We are here to help you guys, we won't be here everyday. We will stop in every once in a while to do some lessons." Rudy said to the group.

"Also just in case some of you didn't know, this is my old dojo. This is our sensei Rudy, and then these are my friends Jack, Kim, Jerry and Milton." Remi added.

"We know that Cobra Kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book. Which is why we brought in some help. But you all need to know that there's only one way we're gonna be able to beat them-" Daniel was saying.

"By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves. We gotta take things to the next level. Gonna teach you an aggression stronger than anything Cobra Kai can throw at us. They strike first? We pre strike." Johnny finished.

Daniel then tried to come in and say something calmer but Johnny would join in with something more aggressive. Remi made eye contact with Sam, giving her a questioning look. Sam just shrugged.

"All right, line up!" Johnny yelled as the students moved.

Both Johnny and Daniel started doing different things. The Eagle Fangs started to follow Johnny and the Miyagi Dos followed Daniel. This resulted in the Miyagi Dos getting kicked by the Eagle Fangs.

"You know, maybe you guys should warm up together. That way no one gets hurt." Jack suggested.

Daniel and Johnny couldn't agree on a warm up so Jack ended up leading the warm up instead.

The group was now moving on to sparring. It was Bert vs Mitch and Johnny was coaching while everyone else watched.

The fight looked more like a cat fight. A cat fight that Daniel broke up, "Don't you teach any defense?"

"Best defense is more offense." Mitch answered. And then was pushed by Bert into a rock.

"You know actually the best defense is defense." Kim pointed out to the group. Daniel gave her a thankful look.

Johnny decided to ignore her, "Why do you have a rock in the middle of your dojo?"

It was now Sam vs Demetri. They just constantly kept circling each other.

"Alright one of you do something. What the hell is this?" Johnny asked.

"That's not how this works. One of us has to be provoked." Demetri answered and then got a water bottle to the face.

"Provoked yet?"

"Look at the rate that this was going you were going to be circling one another forever. No one's was being provoked. Sometimes you have to make the first move." Rudy said and this time Johnny was giving Rudy a thankful look while Daniel didn't do anything.

They had then moved on to cleaning cars, which the Wasabi Warriors watched in boredom.

There was then a obstacle course that was maybe a bit dangerous.

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