going home

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season 3episodes:1 & 2

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season 3
1 & 2

The next couple weeks were hard. Miguel was in a coma and they weren't sure if he was going to make it and Robby was missing. Remi was still in her cast, but her concussion got better.

She hasn't talked to anyone besides her parents. Her friends from Seaford don't even know about the fight.

During the day Remi doesn't speak much. She keeps to herself and at night she wakes up thrashing and screaming from nightmares of that day in the school. She was all cleared by the doctor to go back but her parents didn't think it was a good idea yet. They had to find a way to help her.

They got a therapist to come visit Remi but that didn't do anything. They tried talking to her but that didn't help either. They were getting worried. They eventually ran out of ideas. At least they thought they did until they saw Remis phone ring. They looked to see that Kim was calling. And that's when it hit them.

That weekend Remis mom woke Remi up early. She didn't tell her what was going on, she just said to get dressed and go to the car. Remi didn't want to go but after her mom dragged her out of bed she changed into a crewneck and joggers. She put her hair in a braid and hopped in the car.

"Mom where are we going?" Remi whined. "You'll see, just be patient."

The car ride was long and Remi got tired of asking questions and eventually fell asleep. It took 3 hours to finally get to their destination.

Remis mom looked over to see Remi fast asleep, she shook her shoulder and she eventually woke up. "We're here."

Remi sat up and realized they were in a mall parking lot. "Are we where I think we are?" Remi asked hopeful.

They got out of the car and started walking. "You're dad and I tried everything to help you but nothing seemed to work. Maybe this will."

They got to the center of the courtyard. Remi looked up to see the Bobby Wasabi sign. Then it was like everything hit her at once. She had been ignoring them since the fight at school. What's she supposed to say? What's she supposed to do?

"Mom I don't know if I can do this. What if they're angry at me for ignoring them. What am I supposed to say?" Remi asked as she turned towards her mom.

"You tell them the truth and if they are truly your friends than they will understand. And maybe they can get you out of this funk you are in." Remi nodded and turned to look back at the dojo.

"I can come with you if you want." Her mom said. "No, I can do this!"

"Ok we'll i'll be over at Phils waiting." Her mom gave Remi a kiss on the head before walking away.

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