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season 4episode:8

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season 4

Remi was holding the boards as Eli broke them. They were trying to see how many he could get in 30 seconds.

Daniel had brought his son Anthony to check out the dojo.

While he was busy with that Rudy, Jack, and Kim were helping the students. Rudy was currently yelling at one of the kids who had a bow staff.

"More torque! You need to use more torque!" The kid stood there terrified.

"Hey Rudy, I think the heat is getting to you a bit. Why don't you go get some water." Remi said as she walked towards the two.

"Fine!" Rudy pouted before stomping off.

The kid turned to Remi, "What's torque?"

"I honestly I don't know."

"Yeah he's been telling us that for a while now and we have no clue what he means." Jack said joining the conversation. "I will tell you though, don't forget about your feet. Yes you are moving the bow staff with your hands but to get a lot of power you need to more your feet too."

"Remi told us that your a master at the bow staff." Eli said as everyone seemed to crowd around them.

"I don't know if if I would say master."

"Can you show us?" Sam asked.

"Sure I guess." Jack went and grabbed a bow staff, everyone cleared out of his way as he did his routine. Everyone stared at him in awe, he flowed through the movements so easily.

The school was all decked out in decorations for the upcoming prom. Eli hadn't mentioned anything about it but Remi wasn't worried. Maybe he just assumed they were already going together.

Miguel and Sam both weren't at school which was weird but Remi didn't say anything. Remi sat at the lunch table with Eli, Demetri, Yasmin and Moon.

"So are you guys excited for prom?" Moon asked. Yasmin and Demetri nodded.

"Honestly I had completely forgotten all about it until I saw all the decorations today." Remi said.

"Well you guys are going right?" Yasmin asked.

Remi looked over at Eli who just shrugged.

Remi was confused, "Yeah i'll probably go." She said as she stood up.

"Where are you going?" Demetri asked.

"I just remembered that I have to call Rudy. You know, talk about the upcoming schedule. I'll see you guys later." Remi walked out quickly. She needed some air.

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