Robby got the first point which made Eli call a time out. "He knows all my moves, he trained at Miyagi Do way longer than me."

Everyone turned to look at Daniel, "And you were in Cobra Kai longer than him. You each know each other's karate better than anyone. Put him on defense." Daniel told Eli.

"There you go, you're finally getting it." Remi said as she nudged Daniel.

Eli went out there again, the two jumped into the air as Eli kicked Robby earning himself a point. The fight was intense. Robbys gi was starting to become untied as the two fought.

The buzzer rang signaling that time was up. They were in a one-one tie. The winner would be decided in a sudden death overtime.

"That was amazing Eli!" Remi said.

"Any advice on the last point?" Eli asked. "Give him all you got!" Daniel said.

As Robby made his way to the mat he struggled to fix his gi which ended up with him taking the top part off, which he threw at Tory. Eli followed suit, he took the top of his gi off, throwing it to Remi with a wink. The girl rolled her eyes at him but she couldn't help but admire him.

The tattoos on on his body were one of the main things that stuck out, his muscles and abs were the other.

He made his way to Robby and the fight began.

Robby was on top of Eli about to punch him but something seemed to catch Robby's eye. Whatever it was distracted him enough for Eli to knock him off.

There were a couple close calls but in the end Eli got Robby on the ground kicking him in the stomach getting a point and making him the winner.

Immediately everyone ran onto the mat to Eli. Eli found Remi running towards him, he picked her up immediately spinning her around and kissing her.

"I knew you could do it." She said when he set her back on the ground.

The announcer handed Eli his trophy. Eli held it up as everyone cheered.

Now all that was left was the girls final.

While Eli was celebrating with everyone, Remi stepped away. She had seen Robby disappear with Tory following him. Remi followed after them but only ended up finding Tory in the hallway.

"Hey, good luck out there." Remi said, catching Tory's attention.

"I don't need your luck."

Remi laughed a little, "Relax, clearly you don't. You're an amazing fighter."

Tory starred at Remi before muttering, "Thanks."

Remi gave Tory a small smile before walking away. Luckily for Remi she ended up running straight into Robby.

"You did good out there." Robby looked up at the sound of Remis voice before looking away. "Look, i'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't try to reach out to you after the fight at the school. I just want you to know that I wasn't mad at you or thought that you were an awful person. Trust me, I've dealt with my fair share of bad guys. Everything just got out of control."

Remi watched as Robby kept his head down. "You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know that I get it and that i'm sorry." Remi walked away from Robby, heading back to her friends.

It was time for the girls to fight, when Remi got back she saw Johnny standing by Daniel. The announcer announced Sam, Daniel, Remi and now Johnny. Sam was surprised to hear that like many others.

Daniel made his way up and whispered something in the announcers ear, "Oh I stand corrected. Fellow two time All Valley champion, Sensei Johnny Lawrence." Everyone cheered.

"Alright Larusso, ready to kick some ass?" Johnny asked.

"Yes Sensei. If that's okay with my other senseis?"

"I don't care!" Remi said shooting Sam a wink.

"I want you to win more than anyone. Whether it's defense, or offense, Miyagi Do or Eagle Fang."

"Don't forget some of those Wasabi moves!" Remi butted in.

"I want you to be you. Just make sure you keep your anger in check." Daniel said.

Sam hugged him tightly, cutting him off. "Sorry, you were saying?"

"Go kick some Cobra Kai ass!"

Tory and Sam made their way onto the mat. Sam got the first point by kicking Tory in the face with a flying tornado kick. Tory got the next point by punching Sam in the gut. Tory got another point by kicking Sam in the stomach.

Sam made her way back to her team. "I'm attacking but it's not working. What style should I use?" Sam asked.

"Yours. Trust yourself and your instinct. Don't be afraid to use a mixture of both. I've been saying this all day but no seems to listen to me. If you use both it will throw your opponent off, giving you leverage." Remi said.

Daniel and Johnny both agreed with her.

Sam struck Tory in the gut but the ref called it out of bounds. Sam was shocked, it looked like Tory was too.

Everyone was yelling things at the ref, Remi could even hear her friends yelling from the crowd. Remi knew that Tory went out after she got hit.

Remi watched as the ref looked over at Terry Silver. Something wasn't right. But right after that Sam got a point.

They were tied two-two. The girls ended up rolling on the ground, Tory's elbow accidentally hit sam in the eye. The ref called a warning and sent them back to their senseis.

"No I didn't mean to. No it was an accident." Tory said. Remi could tell she was being genuine.

The girls walked back to their senseis. "Are you alright?" Daniel asked.

"She got me good but I can still fight." Sam said.

They went back out there and in the end Tory got the final point sending Sam to the ground. Tory tried to help Sam up but her team ran at her and started to celebrate.

Sam got up and made her way back to the group. Cobra Kai won the Grand trophy and Silver announced they will be opening more Cobra Kai dojos across the valley.

Remi left Sam to talk with her dad. She knew that Sam was upset.

Remis friends made their way to her. "You did well out there Sensei Remi." Jack said.

"Congrats Eli on winning!" Rudy said.

"Thanks but I never would have won if it wasn't for your guy's help and of course Remi." Eli said wrapping his arm around Remis shoulder.

"We should go get Ice cream to celebrate." Milton suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. Why don't you guys go on out and see if anyone else wants to join. I'll meet you guys at the car, there's just something I have to do real quick." The group nodded and walked off, chatting about the tournament.

Remi wanted to find Tory and congratulate her. After looking through the halls she eventually found Tory leaning against the wall, a sad look on her face.

"Hey, are you okay?" Remi asked.

"I'm fine, what are you doing here?" Tory asked immediately hiding her sadness.

"I just wanted to congratulate you. You did well."

"Thanks I guess. Anything else?"

"Yeah actually, if you ever need anything or just need someone to talk to, i'm available."

Tory looked at Remi before giving a small nod, "I should probably go, my friends are waiting for me."

"Me too, congrats again." Remi said before the two went their separate ways.

That night they celebrated Eli's win, not knowing that Miguel was on a bus heading to Mexico.

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